Airfix Model World Issue 120

- Списание:
- Airfix Model World
- Номер:
- Issue 120 | November 2020
- Език:
- English
Editorial | Page 3Welcome to Issue 120
by Stu FoneNews | Page 6News Bulletin
Latest Updates
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 14Buzz Bomb Blaster
by José PiresJosé Pires takes a ride with one of the RAF's last piston-powered fighters, courtesy of Eduard's gorgeous 1/48 Hawker Tempest Mk.V
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 24Heated Response
by Mike GrantMike Grant reflects on gloss red paint as he builds Hasegawa's 1/72 Rosenbauer Panther Airport Crash Tender
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 34Pulling Power
by Mikhail TerforsMikhail Terfors returns and tackles Roden's 1/35 Holt 75 Tractor, finding a mixed bag of good and bad
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 40Bird of Prey
by David HolmesDavid Holmes builds Freedom Model Kits' lovely 1/48 Curtis Hawk III in his first project for AMW
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 46Sandy Spitfire
by Adam HavenIn his first build for AMW, young modeller Adam Haven provides an in-depth examination of Airfix's newly tooled 1/72 Spitfire Mk.Vc
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 54Spirit In The Sky
by Toby PageRelative newcomers Modelcollect inject a much-needed !/72 B-2A on to the market. Toby Page tackles adding extra detail onto the newly tooled offering
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 60Training Day
by Bjorn KagnerBjorn Kagner examines Thunder Model's complex 1/35 Gedeckter Guterwagen Gr 15t railcar
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 66Boston Basics
by Kev BaxterKev Baxter uses Special Hobby's 1/72 Douglas Boston Mk.III to offer hints and tips to new and returning modellers about the sticky Subject of adhesives
Tips & Tricks | Page 74Back to Basics
Scratch-building Starters
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 78All Wingman
by Garry TobissGarry Tobiss explors Zoukei-Mura's smallest scale offerings: a twin-pack containing 1/72 and 1/44 Horten Ho 229s
Review | Page 86On The Shelf
Review | Page 96On The Shelf
Military Kits

Sd.Kfz.7/2 3.7cm Flak37 w/Armored Cab x Sd.Kfz.7/2 3.7cm Flak36 2in1
Dragon 1:35
6953 2020 Нови части Review | Page 102On The Shelf
Decal Sets
Review | Page 106On The Shelf

WWII U.S. Navy Wheel chocks
Brengun 1:48
Fw190A-6 or Later, F, D Wheel Rib Tread Tire
Barracuda Studios 1:48
Su-27/30/33 exhaust nozzle set (Closed) for Kinetic, HobbyBoss
KA Models 1:48
MA-48095 2019 Multi topic (1!!)Photo Gallery | Page 114Display Case
Your Builds