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sick boi 420
Rolf Rolf (sick boi 420)

A close call


18 2 December 2023, 08:29
Moreno Baruffini
I really like it!
 2 December 2023, 09:31
Shar Dipree
Great idea for a diorama.
 2 December 2023, 09:37
Rolf Rolf Автор
Thank you.
 2 December 2023, 11:29
Wonderful. 👍
 2 December 2023, 15:28
Bas Tonn
This is good
 2 December 2023, 15:33
Rolf Rolf Автор
Thank you guys
 2 December 2023, 20:47
Moreno Baruffini
By the way, as a fan of the Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force, I like your diorama twice 🙂
 2 December 2023, 20:58
Rolf Rolf Автор
I also like the co-bellegrant air force!
 3 December 2023, 02:26

Album info

The italian AF is trying to help kick the germans out of italy after Mussolini's government has been replaced.

23 снимки
1:72 MC.202 Folgore (Italeri 1439)1:72 German MG 34 Machine Gun with Crew (Zvezda 6106)1:72 German Infantry (Zvezda 6105)
Macchi C.202 Folgore
IT Aviazione Cobelligerante Italiana (Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force 1943-1946)
92 Sql., 8 Gruppo, 5 Stormo 8-5
Ноември 1944 World War 2 - Lecce-Galatina
Verde Mimetico 2, Giallo Mimetico 4, Grigo Azzurro 4

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