Dutch Dakota from the roaring sixties
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23 May 2012, 10:55
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This is the Italeri boxing of the well known C-47 in 1/72 scale.
Decals are by a Dutch firm called Flevo Decals and very nice they are too !
The aircraft depicts a C-47 fitted as a 334Sqn. VIP transport as flown up to the mid sixties.
The only real changes to the kit were vacforming some new landing light covers and re-positioning some aerials. I also used transparent plasticard for the cockpit windows as the kit part didn´t fit very well.
The aluminum coat is Humbrol 56 which is the non metalcote one because I wanted to keep the finish fairly matt.
The orange is a mix of dayglo and straight orange, as the white also it is Model Master enamel.