Eaglemoss BTTF De Lorean

the window are manually lifted, sorry - you lift up the gull-wing door, and that reveals the bottom cog which you can wind with your finger

Does that window also roll up and down?! That's truly sick! Watching!
Album info
BTTF De Lorean collection obtained from an acquaintance & topped up with missing issues/parts
Paying particular attention to poorly finished parts on this kit - my pet hate being chrome plating over non-cleaned up sprue tags!
I think I'll be busy
now up to step 28 of 158 (14/8/24)
now up to step 35 (20/8/24), which is 1 step further than where this kit was at when I took over, because Issue 35 & parts were missing!
So there should be no need for intensive cleaning of each part from here - whew!
Still lots of plastic part clean-up required as the parts have been crudely removed from their sprues.
Now waiting for some correctly scaled cable ties & pipe ties from Mike Lane Mods (UK), plus a few other tasty treats....(27/8/24)
Skipping a few steps for now...
Still skipping the wiring ties for now - over 1/2 way thru (11/09/24) - Issue #82
Now on pause after issue 90 - waiting for the above parts...........................
01Nov24 - I now have all the "Mike Lane Mods" to complete this beast, so will be restarting in a few days...
06Nov24 - Back To The Future.........and back to Mag #40
14Nov - got up to Mag#58 & realised how feeble that the Eaglemoss special effects parts are - have ordered improvements from ModelModz UK.
project on hold again......................sigh!
08Dec24 - Flux & Tree testing!! Wow!
Sorry - inactivity due to Xmas & New Year etc...
03Feb25 - chassis, interior & body married up.
22Feb25 - Headlights & taillights done, EL Lightmod working