Hull and Turret
23 June 2012, 16:07

You've did a top job Markus, looks awesome, looking forward to the next pictures, greetz Phil
23 June 2012, 16:16

Hi Markus, for me as a aicraft modell builder this looks realy awesome.
23 June 2012, 18:12

Meine Fresse, wie machst Du das? Da kann sich ja selbst MIG noch was von abschneiden... A hell of a great weathering!
23 June 2012, 21:20

das möchte ich auch können, 🙂 . I witch I can do that. 🙂
23 June 2012, 22:10

When I start my M26 I'll paint it in pink, because whatever I would try, I'd never be able to compete with you. Great job! Looking forward to the final result.😉
23 June 2012, 23:06

Thanks for all your comments.It makes me very proud (blush). 🙂
@Duncan Hah hah ,thats a good one.
@ Holly. Perhaps Mig will read this and i soon be working at AK Interactive.It will make a richer person out of me (inside,of course) 😉
@ Frank Dont worry .There are Pink Jeeps too. So why not. 🙂
24 June 2012, 07:46

This is just superb Markus, love the weathering, dirtying and chipping techniques! Lovely !!!
24 June 2012, 08:59

Thanx Aghis.Dirt (pigments) will be subtile ,because i dont want to cover the chipping work and the stressed surface.On the turret will be more rainmarks and less chipping,i think.
24 June 2012, 09:25

A little of the chipping work on the engine deck will be covered with the stowage (see Pic 13.This pic. was shot before the weathering).
But it must be put on.An American Tank without Stowage is like Mickey without Minnie or in german"Hinz without Kunz " and so on 🙂
26 June 2012, 18:20

Are this pictures of the real thing?
Nice work Markus, very realistic finish, well done!
27 June 2012, 06:03

Thanx Mates for all your Comments.
@ Willfried
Of course it not the original !Its just a piece of plastic that we all try to look like it was real steel! 🙂
27 June 2012, 06:37

Ha Ha ,my family will be thrilled if i tell them that i got still less time for them,as i am already have.They say that iam even now a little pale in the face,because i havent see the Sunlight for Days.🙂
But i worked on the Turret today .Perhaps i will take a few Pics.
And thanx for all your amazing comments.It push me forward.
27 June 2012, 17:14

Hi Mates
Here a few pics from the turret.I worked only on the upper half.The sides just need to be done with rainmarks and stains,not so much chipping as on the horizontal surfaces.
See turret from pic 14 on.
27 June 2012, 17:53

This is a real work of art, Markus! You are increasing the standards with every photo!!!
27 June 2012, 18:14

The periscops are made from exposed 35mm KB Film.Its a little work to cut them to the matching size but its worth the work.It looks a lot better than painted,i think.
S .Zaloga did it in one of his books,so its not my Idea!!!!
27 June 2012, 18:29

Sag mal bitte, ist die rauhe Oberfläche so, oder hast Du die erst erschaffen?
27 June 2012, 20:09

Hi Holly
Dremel mit Fräskopf lässt grüssen.Langsamste Geschwindigkeit und dann vorsichtig "titschen" lassen.Falls zu rau ,nochmal mit en bischen feinem Schleifpapier drüber!
27 June 2012, 20:26

Rough turret surface is done with a Dremel tool at low speed with a milling head.If too rough,redo with sandpaper the surface.
27 June 2012, 20:33

Hi Mates
I going to use Friul Tracks for the first time on this Tank.Although it doesnt make much sense,because you dont see much .There are sideskirts.But i think they look much better,even if the tamiya vinyl ones arent bad.I have the tracks already assembeld and blackend.
28 June 2012, 05:34

Check out the turret pics! (from pic 14 on)
Thanx for you comments.
28 June 2012, 05:35

Thanks Mates.
It all went fine until now (knock on wood 🙂
I am happy with the result.
All your comments push me really forward !!
28 June 2012, 06:49

Its comming along slowly.. had a hell of a week so far so not had as much time as i would like on it
28 June 2012, 21:26

Me too,between kids and work ,and kids and wife ,and cleaning and work ,and wife and kids ....and so son
28 June 2012, 21:29

We are all equal.We dont have enough time to spent on the things that we want!!
28 June 2012, 21:33

All the best for you Augie
Like Neil Young says...
Hey Hey ,My my ..scale modelling will never die!!!
Stay Rock and Roll
28 June 2012, 22:23

Next i add a pic.with the turret on the hull.Maybe in the evening.On this weekend i dont have much time to work on the tank.
Saturday work.At 5 pm i am home then lawnmowing 🙁
29 June 2012, 12:19

You still have the Sunday...! Keep 'em rolling! Thanks for the progress pictures. I'm enjoying each of them...
29 June 2012, 13:11

On sunday i am on a school leaving examination(Abi Fete)!But in the evening.
Maybe i can do some work over the day!
29 June 2012, 13:51

Hi Mates
Here is the turret on the hull.The barrel isnt weathered yet,because its only put on temporary.Its easier to weather the turret without Barrel,i think.The turret isnt also finished ,i need to do the sides with Rainmarks and stains yet.
See from Pic.19 on!
30 June 2012, 06:25

Hi Michael.
Thanks a lot.
I hope that i will finish it soon before i get "the Modelling blues".
30 June 2012, 07:05

Hi Mates
I choose to add the tracks next.Because the sideskirts must be put on to do the final weathering(dirt ,streaks rainmarks).I dont want to touch it to much when this work begins.
2 July 2012, 16:45

Hi Wilfried !
How its going!!
Hope to see you on the next modelling show.!
Thanx Mate!
2 July 2012, 18:16

Hi Mates
Today is the day to put the "Shoes" on my Pershing (Friul).
Pics. will follow when done.
4 July 2012, 05:53

I love the Sound of my Airbrush,and the smell of Tamiya colors in the Morning. 🙂
4 July 2012, 08:14

Hi, Mates
I did the sideskirts yesterday.Iam a little afraid to put them on because the CA drys to fast and i got no time for corrections!
Any clues?????
Perhaps white glue.???
7 July 2012, 19:52

Hi Steve
Do i get this product in germany.??
I think an equal product should be available in our DIY market.
Thanx Buddy!
7 July 2012, 20:18

It should be available in Germany, there is a great model shop in Spandau, that I saw it in. So other shops in Germany should stock it as well. DIY shops over here sell it and similar, so should be the same over there as well... I can post a picture of it if it helps...
7 July 2012, 20:24

Yes,Steve post a pic.On monday i will search for it!
7 July 2012, 20:44

Gel type cyanoacrylate glue does wonders. Dries slowly, but for light assembies it has enough grip to hold them in place while you make adjustments.
7 July 2012, 21:24

Holiday is Shi....!
I got no time for my Pershing.Sideskirts are done ,CA gel is in place ,but no time to add this things.
But every 5 seconds its ringing in my ears...."pappppaaaaaaa!!!!"
Man,after this Holidays i need Holidays to recover me 🙂
11 July 2012, 17:58

Typical family holidays ? Sounds like some of you (at least) had lots of fun haha 🙂
11 July 2012, 18:18

This time we are at home and not in the Netherlands(greetz to all my Nethelands mates,it a very fine place to be.)Just right at this moment a 2 year old "wild hog" is attacking me from the right!!😉
11 July 2012, 18:30

So far that model looks more real then real thing.
Fantastic paintjob.
11 July 2012, 19:06

Thanx ,Mates for all your great comments (blush)!!
I try to do some progress,and add some pics (perhaps i lock my "bunch of fleas"in the shed! 🙂
11 July 2012, 19:49
Album info
Hi Mates
Here is the turret on the hull.The barrel isnt weathered yet,because its only put on temporary.Its easier to weather the turret without Barrel,i think.The turret isnt also finished ,i need to do the sides with Rainmarks and stains yet.
See from Pic.19 on!