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Mike Kryza (tigermike)

Büssing NAG L4500S

Photo 1 of 48


21 September 2012, 19:44
Mike Kryza Автор
OK - first words to my next "crime" - I've cutted the front part of the exhaust just ahead from the muffler - for a better handling. On pic 4 I've done a little cosmetic operation because the airtanks fit not so good... But - it's done...
 24 September 2012, 18:00
Aghis Barberopoulos
It's looking good Mike!
 24 September 2012, 19:21
Mike Kryza Автор
Hi Aghis - I hope it will come to a good end...🙂
 25 September 2012, 17:03
Steve Wilson
Interesting subject Mike!!! good start...
 25 September 2012, 17:05
Mike Kryza Автор
Yes, indeed it's an interesting subject.
Some more (😉) words to the kit. Pickaxe and shovel are optional. This also applies to the parts E26 and E19. But it's always the own choice.😉 I'll do the lorry without these parts.
The frame gets a very good stability after glueing the parts together.
Little pieces, like the license plates, will be fixed later on.
I've "lost" Franks question about the camo I prefer. Think the Büssing gets an grey color. Later on more...😉
 25 September 2012, 17:35
Ich bin schon auf das fertige Modell gespannt.
 25 September 2012, 17:50
Mike Kryza Автор
Ich erst - zwischendrin "versemmle" ich auch mal eins...😉
 25 September 2012, 19:43
Adrian LR
I love the new series of softskins that makers are offering. In the old days, if you want to build a truck you have to pick between a USA 2.5 ton or Opel Blitz (both from Italeri). Have you choose how to paint it?
 25 September 2012, 22:06
Mike Kryza Автор
Yes - I'll paint the lorry gray or bluegray, but I have a little time thinking about...
 26 September 2012, 17:55
Frank Krause
This will surely become a beauty, Mike. Any wiring planed for the motor? Will it receive a canvas cover or do you leave it open to show the load...?
 26 September 2012, 17:58
Mike Kryza Автор
Hi Frank - I hope so...🙂
There will be no cables for the motor because I let the hood closed. Too much scratchbuilding...😉. I think I build the Büssing without a tarp (I haven't found till yet any after-market product).
 26 September 2012, 18:10
Mike Kryza Автор
Hello mates - here are the next pics... I was a little busy the last days... :-D
 2 October 2012, 17:54
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi Mike
Nix "busy " .Hau rein ,mann. Ich will die Bemalung sehen!!!🙂
 2 October 2012, 18:00
Aghis Barberopoulos
It is coming to shape...very nice build so far Mike. It looks like a very good kit, my only reservation is the rubber tyres when it comes to painting (judging from aircraft in the past). About the tarp: have you ever tried the "green stuff" ?
 2 October 2012, 18:05
Mike Kryza Автор
@ Markus - Markus - alter Schwede - haste wieder mal "busy" und "lazy" verwechselt :-D:-D Du kannst doch einen Mann meines Alters nicht so hetzen... 😉
@Aghis - thx a lot for the motivation. Yes you are right with the tyres, but let us see... (I've build the 8,8 Flak 18 some years ago and there are no problems with the tyres until yet.)
And... I've never tried the "green stuff". This is an option - take it on my wishlist.
 2 October 2012, 18:31
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi ,Mike
And green stuff is an great option!
Lässt sich super verarbeiten ,du kannst es ganz dûnn ziehen und am besten mit isopropanol (alkohol apotheke)bearbeiten(die werkzeuge damit anfeuchten).Funktioniert super.
 2 October 2012, 20:58
Mike Kryza Автор
...Iso, das ist der Alkohol der blind macht!!??... :-D
 3 October 2012, 14:56
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Du sollst ihn dir nicht hinter die Binde kippen . :-d
 3 October 2012, 15:25
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
 3 October 2012, 15:25
Mike Kryza Автор
Ach so - muß einem ja auch mal gesagt werden... 😉
 3 October 2012, 15:42
Mike Kryza Автор
Next pics coming up--- :-D
 6 October 2012, 18:54
Frank Krause
Hmm, this is also on my "Must have" list, but... my favourite shop does not have it... 🙁 in the moment... Good progress, Mike!
 6 October 2012, 19:43
Mike Kryza Автор
Hi FRank - Lucky made it possible... 😉
 6 October 2012, 19:44
Christian Meyerhoff
Very nice start on this one. Are you aware of the competion that is run by panzermodellbau.de ? I am in, but your model looks as a winner.
 6 October 2012, 20:08
Piotr Mikołajski
Mike, did you had a chance to compare this kit to the IBG 4500S? Büssing-NAG 4500 S (IBG Models 35012, 1:35)

 7 October 2012, 09:54
Mike Kryza Автор
@Piotr - Ok - I have had a look in the box of the IBG kit and after that the AFV kit is undisputed the first choice for me. But this is my opinion.
I've bought the first kits from the "Einheitsdiesel"... ok - they are in my stash and that's all.. The kits from IGB are looking too incomplete for me. You need too much aftermarket stuff to get a nearly correct lorry. But a I said before this is my opinion. Mike
 7 October 2012, 13:02
Mike Kryza Автор
@Christian - Thanks a lot "for the flowers" .-D. ...and the hint to "panzermodellbau.de.
Wird von mir jede Woche auch mal besucht und durchstöbert. Aber die Wettbewerbsbedingungen schließen eigentlich eine Teilnahme aus da ich die Bauberichtsbilder schon auf SCM veröffentlicht habe. Und von meinem Ford könnte ich nur Bilder des fertigen Fahrzeugs liefern. Bilder vom Bau sind irgenwo auf meiner Festplatte "verschwunden"... :-D
 7 October 2012, 13:13
Piotr Mikołajski
Mike, thanks for your answer. Did you found any errors in IBG kits or is it just feel of better quality in AFV Club kit? I've received all kits straight from IBG for review purposes but I would like to hear opinion of modellers who actually have the kits 🙂
 7 October 2012, 13:32
Mike Kryza Автор
Piotr - I have build up the NAG OOB. Surely you can add some wires and so on, but it's not necessary. It's not necessary too to buy aftermarket stuff.
The IGB Kits remember me for example on kits from the 80ties... 😉 And for me it's not consumer-friedly offering needful expensive add-ons to get a good model.
Hope I can have another look in the box and can tell you more next time :-D
 7 October 2012, 14:49
Christian Meyerhoff
Schade, mir gefällt dieser Wettbewerb. An LKW`s kann man sich eigentlich mal so richtig gehen lassen. Da ist Alles möglich.
 7 October 2012, 18:10
Mike Kryza Автор
Richtig - aber das habe ich zu spät realisiert. Und ich halte mich doch an die Regeln. Hätte mir bestimmt Spass gemacht - eigentlich geht es ja um das Mitmachen.
Vielleicht nächstes Jahr - außer ich verpenne das wieder... :-D
 7 October 2012, 18:30
nice one Mike
 7 October 2012, 19:20
Mike Kryza Автор
Thx Augie for the nice comment - I'll do my best...😉 - But it needs a little bit time :-D
 7 October 2012, 19:22
Mike Kryza Автор
If I will have time enought I give some tips for the building(?) up of the Büssing.
 7 October 2012, 19:23
Hi Mike, very promising till now. Waiting for some colour and (of course) more pics. 🙂
 7 October 2012, 20:15
Piotr Mikołajski
Mike, I'll wait for photos of your finished kit, it seems to be nice looking one. I guess that it tell me more than sprues made by AFV Club 🙂
 8 October 2012, 14:52
Mike Kryza Автор
Thx - but to give the lorry color would need a little bit time.
@Acki - Du bist ein richtiger Picture-Junkie!!!!!!!! :-D
 8 October 2012, 17:34
Christian Meyerhoff
That`s nice!
 8 October 2012, 17:46
Klar, wie soll ich sonst etwa abkupfern?
 8 October 2012, 18:18
Mike Kryza Автор
@Acki - da werden aber Lizenzgebühren fällig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
 8 October 2012, 20:02
Mike Kryza Автор
Hello mates - some tips for all who would assemble this kit.
About the optional parts I wrote at the beginning...
To keep the frontwheels movable do not cement B2 to B3 (Step 6). Do the same with B13. Only click it to E21 (2x) (Step 5) - It works! :-D
Step 17 - Be careful with the C17 and C18. The steering rod must be inserted in the hole. This is not shown in the instruction sheet (Take a look to Step 21)
Step 11 - Drill a hole in the middle of D38 - It's for the cardan shaft.
Step 6 and 15 - Befor glueing the rear axle fix the complete cardan at first.
And if you are ready with the building you find two butterflyscrews(?) in a frame. They are not listetd in the instr.sheet - but they belonged to fthe fixation of the sparewheel.
B43 und B44.
Hope it helps a little bit...😉
The Büssing now had a little time until he becomes a color - but when the lorry is ready I give you new pics...:-D
 9 October 2012, 17:35
Mike Kryza Автор
OK - mates. It's time to close this album. Hope you enjoy the last pics...😄
 14 April 2013, 18:56
Its come out really nice Mike 🙂
 14 April 2013, 18:57
Frank Krause
Great Mike! Love the dusty look of the tyres. 👍
 14 April 2013, 19:00
Helerson Maciel
What a treat!
Very good indeed.
 14 April 2013, 19:02
ja ja , in der Ruhe liegt die Kraft 🙂 , schaut wirklich klasse aus , vorallem , mal so ganz aus der Box ein wirklich sehr schönes Modell !
 14 April 2013, 19:02
Mike Kryza Автор
Thx a lot for your nice comments. But believe me, it's not very easy weathering a grey vecicle in the right way...😉
@Jens - Aftermarket Produkte waren bei diesem Kit wirklich nicht nötig! Ich habe lediglich im sichtbaren Bereich eine Druckluftleitung ergänzt...😄
 14 April 2013, 19:42
George Bacon
Great job! The weathering is very realistic. It looks like a fun model. You make me want to get one!
 14 April 2013, 22:31
Kim Branders
Very nice Mike!!!!!!!!!!
 15 April 2013, 06:17
Mike Kryza Автор
@Kim - Thank you... @George - Could surely be your next project;D
 15 April 2013, 17:05
Hi Mike, Top-Teil. Sieht klasse aus.
 15 April 2013, 18:08
Jose Miguel Rodriguez
 15 April 2013, 18:22
Dirk Heyer
Looks great your Büssing!
 15 April 2013, 20:26
Mike Kryza Автор
And again a great thank you!!!
 16 April 2013, 16:39

Album info

The parts are looking very well. Pinmarks and so on seem to be only on hidden places. Let's see...
Reference Material: "Lastkraftwagen der Wehrmacht" von Reinhard Frank (Podzun), Steelmasters Nr. 70, Nr. 71 (german issues) and a little bit Internet.

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