Duxford Flying Legends 2013
Photo 1 of 20
21 July 2013, 08:46

Ahhh cool pics .... what an event! It was so cool ....
(still remember the annoying sound of the Marlet 😉 )
Thanks for sharing.
21 July 2013, 20:23

Thanks for these pictures! I have to get there once- absolutely
22 July 2013, 13:44

Hey guys, thanks for the support! I absolutely recommend this event for anyone interested in piston driven airplanes. While you build the models you're always looking at a handy sized object. But when you see them in real life full scale and on top of that watch how they perform...it's awesome.
Besides...even without the airshow the museum and refurbishment shop is well worth a visit.
I saw a favorite of mine (SR-71A) close up 🙂
22 July 2013, 19:16

Very nice Pictures! Thx for Posting! Yes Duxford IWM is always a nice place to visit!
22 July 2013, 20:18

These photos remind me my visits to Duxford back in the 1990's. There was an original black 6 flying those days...
Youtube Video

23 July 2013, 17:15