Ontos M50A1 Diorama "Hue City"
1 7 September 2013, 10:54

Thanks Holger. 🙂
After a long time away its time to start again.
7 September 2013, 11:05

Hallo Markus!
Schön wieder etwas von Dir zu sehen. Das hier werde ich mit Interesse verfolgen, ich möchte irgendwann auch mal meine Vietnam Modelle in ein Dio einbauen.
7 September 2013, 11:25

Hallo Christian
Ich finde immer das ein Modell nackt ohne Dio aussieht.
7 September 2013, 11:28

Da hast Du unbedingt recht, ich kann leider keine Dios. Deswegen schau ich Dir mal über die Schulter 🙂
7 September 2013, 11:30

Thanks ,Mates
I try my best.Iam working on a Palm Tree now. Pics follow.
7 September 2013, 11:59

Hallo Markus, bin gespannt was du draus machst.
Bezueglich Modell und Dio habe ich eine aehnliche Ansicht wie du. Allerdings wird es irgendwan schwierig die ganzen Dios zu Hause vernuenftig zu praesentiern. Deshalb bsschraenke ich persoenlich mich darauf Dios nur um die Modelle herumzubauen, an denen ich irgendwelch Klappen geoeffnet habe.
7 September 2013, 12:09

I agree with you Christian.
But it doesnt have to be allways a Clervaux Dio 🙂
7 September 2013, 13:26

Hello Dirk
Thank you ,Mate 🙂
This structure paste is from Rico Design.But i think any other brand will do its job too.
7 September 2013, 14:47

by the way....you remind me in the use of Air clay 😄
7 September 2013, 15:03

Ein würdiges "Heim" für deinen Ontos. Allerdings geht es mir da so wie Lemmy - die Dios sprengen jeden Rahmen. Ich bin hier am überlegen ob ich nicht eine Reihe von Grundplatten baue, auf denen ich die Modelle frei einsetzen kann. (Für Aussetllungen oder auch nur für Fotos.) Mal sehen, die Zeit wird es bringen...😢
7 September 2013, 15:33

Hi Mike, da ich fuer meine Dios immer exakte Transportkisten baue werde ich die aelteren zunaechst dort zwischenparken bis dieser Platz auch aufgebraucht ist.
7 September 2013, 15:37

@ Markus: I know the Clervoux Dio very well. Several yaers ago there was an online community called " Models in Action". As a member I watched every step of it. It`s a fantastic work!
7 September 2013, 19:01

great idea with the wall...
I´m trying to copy that, you may see the results in 3 years😉
8 September 2013, 15:18

Hi Mates
The Palm Tree is nearly finished.Only some coconuts !Hope you like it.
10 September 2013, 17:24

Phantastic. Seems you had chicken directly from the farmer for lunch recent days?😉
Nice idea for the palmtree! Gload you're back at work. It's always fun watching your progress, Markus!
10 September 2013, 19:13

Wonderful scenery Markus 👍 great idea, looking forward to the next pictures
10 September 2013, 20:29

Thanks for your comments 🙂
Yes its made of feathers and "Toiletpaper"
The feathers are painted with oilcolors,the stem with acrylics.
11 September 2013, 11:04

looks very atmospheric! Very close to the real scenery!
Great stuff, my friend!
I like your little dioramas with story!
11 September 2013, 17:41

Thanks Dirk 😄
Its a pleasure for me to hear this from you.
11 September 2013, 18:41

Some progress!!
The Cart is made from Balsawood and the Handbars are toothpicks.THe broken whell is evergreen Profile.
11 September 2013, 18:42

Thanks ,Frank 😄
I added 3 more pics.One is from the underside of the cart(although you dont see it) and 2 pics from how the scene will (perhaps) look like with 2 Marines.
11 September 2013, 18:58

Hmmm, Markus, I don't have the right words in English, so I continue in German.
Eigentlich schade, dass man die Unterseite des Karrens nicht zu sehen bekommen soll. Die Figuren geben schon mal eine Idee, wo Du hin willst.
Die Lage der Bruchstücke des Rades könntest Du vielleicht noch überdenken. Ich kann nicht sagen warum, aber in der derzeitigen Position sieht es irgendwie "komisch" aus...
11 September 2013, 19:09

Dreh den Karren doch um so wie auf dem Foto. Und vor Allem: Top Arbeit, sieht klasse aus!
11 September 2013, 19:14

Viele Dank,Freunde für eure Verbesserungsvorschläge.Werde ich mir zu Herzen nehmen.
Das ist sowieso erst mal nur provisorisch fürs Foto angeordnet.In der rechten unteren Ecke wird wahrscheinlich noch ein stück Bordstein mit nem Telegraphenmast hinkommen.
11 September 2013, 19:20

Its all temporary placed on the dio.There will be changes.Perhaps some more pavement in the lower right corner and a telegraphmast.
11 September 2013, 19:35

Das mit den Federn sieht echt toll aus. Werde das bei Gelegenheit auch mal testen.
11 September 2013, 20:10

This gonne be a great scenery Markus, I'm love it already 👍
11 September 2013, 20:16

Building with toiletpaper! Thats waht i call "after"market!😄😄 (Joke works only in german, sorry guy´s but i´m rolling oin the floor...😄)
12 September 2013, 06:33

Really nice details!
Only one suggestion about the cart, as I don`t know what`s your intention for detailing this little gem yet.
Don`t forget the ring out of metal, which is riveted around the wheel to enforce them. 🙂
In hope not to be too hastily....
12 September 2013, 06:57

First,thanks to your nice comments.
The stem is made of 12-14 metal wire pieces about 20cm long.You drill them together .Wrap a small stripe (about 2cm ) of Toilettpaper soaked in White glue around it.After drying ,a layer of thin Air clay.After that ,glue 2-3 layers of toilettpaper together with thinned whiteglue.Let it dry.The cut the toilettpaper into a 1 cm wide stripe ,put thinned white glue on the stem and wrap the toilettpaper stripe around the stem.Make sure it looks natural.
@Kim : Perhaps !!??? 😄
@Holger : Buahaaaaa thats " Der "after " burner! Lol
@Dirk : Thank you ,mate for the hint. 🙂
12 September 2013, 08:27

If you have any questions or it doesnt work please feel free to ask me !
12 September 2013, 09:30

Thanks a lot Mates!
Now im searching for a good reference pic. for a telegraph mast.
12 September 2013, 15:44

Holger's 1st telegraph picture... don't forget a wire, Markus!😉
12 September 2013, 16:03

Thanks Holger.
But iam searching more like a mast like this on the right..
12 September 2013, 16:12

No Idea,Mate.
But this pic shows it well .I have seen this on pics. when i google "battle of hue"
Seems more like a Powermast (strommast)
12 September 2013, 16:36

And some more Vietnam photos with electricity pylon:
12 September 2013, 17:47

No idea, why the second thumb doesn't properly appear. Anyway, click on the black bar and the photo should come up. Or use the link ans select the photo(s) from there.
12 September 2013, 17:50

Thanks ,Mates!
I knew i can count on you!!
12 September 2013, 19:40

Hi Mates
First pics from the painted wall.All Acrylics ,some stones oil.I have done mapping.
Dirt stains and moss will follow.Hope you like it.
Telegraph scratch on the right.I will cut it in height a little.
20 September 2013, 18:50

Looking good, Markus! The red of the bricks is a bit too bright presently, but let's wait for your final results.
20 September 2013, 18:58

Hi Markus...
I remember this being a glint in its makers eye.🙂
Excellent build my friend, first class modelling!!!👍
20 September 2013, 19:03

Thanks Steve 😄
Frank,the color of the stones arent that bright.I had to add a little contrast to the pics.
But they will be toned down with a dark wash but after plaster is put into the stone spaces.
Thanks for reminding,Frank.
20 September 2013, 19:12

Hi Markus,
could you give us an idea, how you built the telegraph pole? Would be great.
21 September 2013, 06:21

I`m impressed!
What a great atmosphere!
Was watching one of the last days, the documentary about the Ted Offensive!
You are so close to the real thing! Doesn`t goes closer!
I`ll bark some "Woooow`s" for your diorama
21 September 2013, 12:29

That looks superb.
But I have to say, that tank is... I'm finding it hard to convince myself that this was actually a real machine... it looks kinda like a caricature of itself, something you'd see in an anime or somesuch! (See? This is something I love about this hobby - you can learn a lot!)
21 September 2013, 12:43

Hey Xenia,
you are right, it is not the fashion queen on the cat-tank walk!!!!
BUT.... it is thousand times more interesting than 10 boring Panthiger Tanks!
21 September 2013, 12:51

Schönes Dio cool umgesetzt .Besonders bringen die nackigen Hühner mich zum Schmunzeln hehe. 🙂
21 September 2013, 13:00

Many thanks Mates (Fe"mates"😢
@Gerald 🙂
I made the Pole from "Kapa Board" (Foam board).I cut it out in one piece but it was very instable.A few layers of thinned white glue and plaster solved the problem.
First i wanted to do a jungle dio because i thought it would be "easier" to do.
A few plants ,a figure ,Ontos and finished.I thought a Dio in Urban Combat would be alot more harder to do.I thought it could look boring.
But after watching a few Tet Offensive videos and after reading the book "Marines in Hue City: A Portrait of Urban Combat" it was clear that the Ontos had a leading role in the Battle in Hue.
The Ontos was very vulnerable because of its allmost no existing armour,and that the guns had to be reload by leaving the Tank.But its firepower was very frightening.So the tactic was,if there was an Objekt that couldnt be "taken" a observer team checked the location and decided if it was worth the risk to call an Ontos.
The Object that had to be taken was hold down under heavy fire ,and in the right moment the Ontos came of its hideout and fired the guns.Then he retreaded into save position.
22 September 2013, 15:42

First weathering from the wall from pic 29.
11 October 2013, 17:01

Hi Mates!
Back in the Saddle.
Its a long time ago since i sat on my workbench.Finished the Ontos Dio.I think its all in the final positions.Just a few quick Pics by Mobile.Better ones will be taken.Please write me improvements.
Next im going to be more in Sci Fi.
2 March 2017, 16:26

Well done.. Vietnam is on my to do list also. So you have done a very god Job on this. The pictures are telling a good "story". Thumb up!
2 March 2017, 16:37

Danke für die herzliche Begrüssung!
Thank you for you welcome.
I will add some debris and leaves in the street.Perhaps some paper.
2 March 2017, 17:05

really fantastic work on this one, excellent. i love the scratch building of the scenery
2 March 2017, 18:27

Hi Markus !! Good to see you're back !! The Ontos dio looks like it's goin' to become a masterpiece 🙂
2 March 2017, 18:29

Hey!!! MARKUS, I've been concerned about you where've you been???
Good to see you back, nice one 😄 👍
2 March 2017, 19:19

Na, dann können wir die Vermisstenmeldung zurückziehen. Willkommen daheim, Markus!
2 March 2017, 19:24

Hey Markus thought you fell off the face of the earth.So glad to see you back your dio looks awesome 👍
2 March 2017, 19:31

Hehe I knew soon as Markus returned we'd see some of the old faces come to light..
Willy, Frank, Mike we just need holly and it would be like when I joined this mad house😉
2 March 2017, 19:46

I am suprised that anyone still knows my name. 🙂
You know the Band "Boston"?Their Lp "Third Stage"took 6 years to be recorded.
It took me almost 4 Years for this Dio. 🙂
Thats long enough.
My life was(is)very "hurly burly".New Home,new Job,new Wife....become vegetarian,Sport.....
But I love my new Life.
And now its Time to wipe the dust from my Workbench.
And thank you all again for this great welcome!
2 March 2017, 19:48

Lol Markus, its one of those oddities of life that sometimes friends you may never meet are the ones that remember you and greet you warmest. Long as your happy in life then all is good 🙂 Either way, speaking for myself its bloody good to see you around again, you were missed 🙂
2 March 2017, 19:51

Mensch Markus du alte käsekrokette! Da bist du ja wieder! Schon sehr oft hat man nach Dir gefragt! Grandios dass Du wieder da bist!😄
Und das Dio geht ab!!! Echt man, ohne Scheiß! Bin echt froh dass du wieder dabei bist!
2 March 2017, 20:58

Hehe well its back to the old days, Thinking about it, just need urb, and it is a full house.
2 March 2017, 21:15

Urban will find this thread, I am convinced! And no, no full house, straight flush. 🙂
2 March 2017, 21:24

Augie, thats why i love it here. We dont meet daily, but when it's important or urgent. And welcoming an old friend, who was disappeared , it feels good to have the "family" together! 👍
2 March 2017, 21:28

Well said holly, just like when you lot welcomed me here. Its what makes this place so special and why I stayed.
2 March 2017, 21:30

Its not me who makes this site so special. It's everyone around! 🙂
And i do remember very good, when you first time appeared in the news feed. The community was small. Just a few products was added to the database... scalemates was growing up. You and Frank where the only brush painters! Just great times and we still move on! Glad to meet you and Frank and urban and willy and mike and and and😄
2 March 2017, 21:44

Mad house ??? "Old" faces ??? ohh, maybe that's why I feel so comfortable and cosy here... 🤔
2 March 2017, 21:46

Sorry to disturb your family reunion, just would like to express my deepest respect for Markus' dio. 👍
Over and out!
3 March 2017, 06:21

Damn! Why do you say this when I have no tissue at hand?!
3 March 2017, 08:51

Insane.....i almost start crying...Thank you all for your nice Words.I am glad to be here again,too.!
3 March 2017, 11:09

Well thought out and rendered. 🙂 Street fighters at their best. SALUTE. 👍
3 March 2017, 13:10
Album info
The first 4 Pictures:Build of the Wall from "Kapa" Cardboard and Polystyrol Profiles.Wall is coverd with structure paste.
From Picture 5:Wall on wood base with Pavement made of Air Clay and "Flower Foam (Steckschaum).
Self made Palm Tree.
Wall painted Acrylic.