Autoblinda AB 41
Photo 1 of 8
30 September 2014, 12:26

Ah...and now I spot the gallery. It looks good! Your trouble so not show in the pictures.
30 September 2014, 12:30

It really does looks good in the box... And it does looks good when finished. But the problem is middle phase. It's not really enjoyable build.
30 September 2014, 12:32

With all the trouble you went through, it was totally worth it! Because indeed it does look great now! 👍 👍
30 September 2014, 19:19
Album info
Very interesting subject, but very demanding model for this size/scale. Overall details are not so bad when You look this model in the box. The problem is building phase. Nothing fits together nicely, and there are those awful vinyl tyres. I replaced those with resin, and I added Hauler set which is very nice. At the end, it does not look so bad, but You can't compare this with any similar Tamiya product.