My First Tank Build RG M48 A2 GA2
Photo 1 of 9
8 December 2014, 17:22

Not too shabby Josheph. Did you add the cast metal texture or is it molded on?
8 December 2014, 18:45

Nice Joseph 👍 Your aircraft building skills certainly carried through.
8 December 2014, 19:17

the cast anti slip texture is molded on by Revell or whoever they had make the mold.
8 December 2014, 19:30

So far, so good, Joseph ...
... but somehow these are the wrong colors for camouflage paint scheme 🙁 What did you use - or what have you used as reference material for this tank? Furthermore, the color of the chains stings totally off - it does not match.
Please take a look to the following site:
Unfortunately, I have to write that I do not like your interpretation of the M 48 A2 GA2.
9 December 2014, 15:05

Everybody stay calm! The model police is on its way! We have a 784 here, wrong colors...Calling for Reinforcements... 😄
9 December 2014, 18:40

@HK: Hahahaha! 😉
@Mike: Yes! 👍
taaaa-tuuuu taaaa-tuuuu wiew-wiew-wiew ( okay... so there's no way I know how to write down "pull over" signals from US police vehicles 😛 )
Roland is entitled to his opinion, of course. No problem there 👍 🙂
Negative reinforcement is reinforcement as well, just not as effective as positive reinforcement.
I always like to take into account where someone is coming from. And based on what Joseph said and judging from his posted albums, he is coming from a long time of building aircraft (quite well, I must say!). So I think he is actually doing great with his entry into the dark side ( quoting HK here 😛 ).
And let's not forget he hand-painted the whole model! Which I think is awesome!
You captured the camouflage pattern quite well, Joseph 👍
As Gábor suggested, a bit of wash / streaking effects / fading / dirt could help expose the (small) details and give it that worn, well used look. Just like you would do on your airplanes. I'm not sure if the techniques are similar though, since I'm not an airplane modeler myself. But there are lots of people here that would love to help you out with that, if you want 🙂
I like it and I think it's a good first one 👍 Keep at it, Joseph! 🙂
9 December 2014, 19:53

OK the dark military green and the black is accurate but the brown military brown FS30117 was the closet brown I could find in the model master paints that my hobby shop had it is supposed to be more of a rusty type brown so.
I used what I had and yes it has a mild black weathering wash on it as for the steel cables I painted them what the instructions told me to do this is my first Tank I am not an expert on armor so forgive me for doing what a normal modeler does by following the instruction's. and I will probally go back and add a rust wash to the tracks because Im sure they are not supposed to be that shiny.
9 December 2014, 20:03

No big deal though I can handle criticism not the first time sure wont be the last.
9 December 2014, 20:11

NEVER follow instructions - especially Dragon ones! Ha ha! In all seriousness this is a nice clean build. i don't do much modern armour so I can't comment on the accuracy of the tank. FS colours are ok for a starting point - but don't lose too much sleep as after only a few days the paint will fade and weather. It should also be note that many modellers believe all armour paint should be flat - in fact many nations - and all of NATO - have been using a slightly semigloss paint for NBC purposes...this gives gas and germ particles less "teeth" to adhere to. We have an armoured recon regiment out here in Vancouver and even their new vehicles (like the Navistar/International deuce and a half) are actually pretty some subduing probably wouldn't be a bad for the cables I haven't looked at them too much but they are not usually all rusty. I rig with these outside in really crappy weather...they are made of banded stainless steel and they are actually dipped in weird adhesive to protect them as well as to discourage fraying when they are "swaged" (cut with a cutter and then looped with an eyelet). Sometimes the loops get rusty because of all the friction and abrasion but it would be rare to see a totally "brown" cable. Looks pretty good to me - much better than the wingy things I build! 😉
9 December 2014, 20:23

Oh yah - it wouldn't hurt to research the actual tank too - it is possible the crew just paints the cable green or something - I have seen that on vehicles out here. A subtle wash on the cables and tracks wouldn't hurt. i would avoid a flat rusty colour and maybe go with a dark brown/black wash mixture. You can pick off "steely" bits later with a graphite pencil or whatever pencil actually ;P and don't forget the rubber pads on tracks should be a black-browny- rubbery colour. Testors rubber with black added is usually ok. Cheers.
9 December 2014, 20:27

As was stated in a previous thread, don't take criticism too badly here on SM - many members do not use English as a first language - sometimes things come off as abrupt when they are really not meant to be.
9 December 2014, 20:31

Hear, hear! Well put and good points 👍 I truly don't believe Roland meant it in a bad way. he was just trying to help, I'm 100% convinced 👍 constructive criticism is good and should be welcomed.
9 December 2014, 21:27

Hi Joseph,
I had built the test shot, look here:
9 December 2014, 21:28

Indeed, it's how we improve - otherwise many of us would still be including those damned front tow hooks on our Tamiya T34's! 😛
9 December 2014, 21:39

@Julian: Hahaha! We would, wouldn't we!? 😄 😄
@Thomas: Nice model and painting as well, Thomas! Looks great! 👍
9 December 2014, 22:30

I agree, Mike. That's what I meant with negative reinforcement vs positive reinforcement, just worded differently 😉 But I have a feeling that was not exactly how he meant to say it, or even what he wanted to say. Many people have difficulty expressing themselves in a foreign language resulting in misinterpretation and misconceptions. And this being text only, makes things even worse.
9 December 2014, 22:41

Respectfully disagree John. It looks to me like this guy has a pretty good handle on the English language. He said what he meant and meant what he said. Just my opinion.
9 December 2014, 23:47

It's a good build, especially for a first one and brush painted as well. I can't say anything about the colours as I'm not knowledgable there but the thing that stands out for me is the shiny tracks. There you can use gun metal or some other dark metal paint and give it a dark rust brown wash. But all that is an easy fix with what every tank needs, MUD. You really can't go overboard with mud mate. A modern tank doesn't need so much rust but mud and dust is all it takes. Keep on with the dark side of modelling mate and build a tank or two in between your birds!
10 December 2014, 00:04

The other small critique would be maybe go back and paint the jerry can tray seperately from the can itself. Tray is base colour usually and the strap would be hmmm...not too sure or brown? black? Either way a bout a million times better than my first tank - it was "molded in color" so I figured I didn't need to paint it! o_0
10 December 2014, 00:37

I appreciate all the comments guys I was not angry abut what he said as I stated some facts in my reply my first armor build I knew it was not exactly 100% accurate as far as painting and colors go as most of you know from my other albums here I normally build aircraft been building planes for 30 something years the tank was just basically a change of pace trying something new.
10 December 2014, 06:35
Album info
Hows it going everyone will after build aircraft models for many many years I decided to try my hand at doing a 1/35 tank so I picked the newly released Revell Germany M48 A2 GA2 built straight from the box this kit is very highly detailed and so well molded the fit was nothing short of beautiful I only had to a minor amount of filler here and there no flash what so ever and what few ejector pine marks there are are in places where they will not be seen I hand painted the entire the tank including the real rubber tracks. hope you guys like it.