2 February 2015, 19:12

Hot water, tap temperature is usually enough, adjust shape and cool with cold water. I have had success a few time doing this
3 February 2015, 08:59

Thanks, I've let it rest like that for 48h after giving it a little heat with an hair dryer. When I arrive home if it's still bent I will try your way
3 February 2015, 14:41

Further to Rays' comments, having hot water treated the fuselage a few times to improve alignment, then tape the fuselage halves together to allow both halves to align to some degree. Take your time it may require a few hot dips to allow the plastic reshape. It most likely the kit was left in a hot place and warped because of the heat.
4 February 2015, 02:21
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Boeing 727 Air France