Bf 109E-7/Trop
Photo 1 of 11
13 February 2015, 15:36

Good job with the camo. I love that tropical scheme. Did you airbrush the spinach with a mask or did you use a hairy stick?
17 February 2015, 01:11

Actually I saw a YouTube tutorial using hair gel, so I applied the base color of the green, brushed on some hair gel, let it dry then continued masking and painting everything else. Once the model was dry I soaked it in warm water which activated the hair gel and it simply wiped away leaving the green camo
18 February 2015, 02:13

@J.R, I was thinking to ask the same the link to the Video
18 February 2015, 16:24

The link for the video is Youtube Video
The modeller is a fellow canadian out of calgary. Has some really good stuff on his YouTube channel

18 February 2015, 18:45

Thanks Matt Watched the video interesting technique something that i will like to try 🙂
19 February 2015, 06:22

Out of Curiosity how many of you think that hair gel could replace Humbrol Maskol Gel is can be apply with a brush on a clear part.
19 February 2015, 21:03

@Matt exactly what i was thinking. I will have a go and let you know results i don't have a Airbrush yet but i suppose for test purposes I should check with brush and Airbrush and see how it works. what you think?
20 February 2015, 06:03

Ya I agree, I airbrushed over mine but if the gel is set and dry I can't see brushin over IT doing it any harm. Let me know how it does Antonio
20 February 2015, 12:26

So here is my test with hair gel for masking clear parts and brush over acrylic color.
Material that i used :
-Hair gel from Wella Shockwaves Styling Steel Number 6 strengt
-Tamiya Color
-Spare clear part
Put the hair gel with a brush, brushed over the clear part
Let it dry over night ( the hair gel I used dry very quickly because the one I used had very high content of Alcohol)
paint over regularly with your normal soft brush
when pain dry
loop warm water and soft brush removed the hair gel easily.
14 March 2015, 09:09

thats great antonio, no more having to by the micro sol products again lol
this hair gel is a cheap alternative that seems to be working, ill have to give it a try myself on my next canopy 🙂
16 March 2015, 16:21

Yep hope we can move on from the smelly Maskol good product but way to smelly
16 March 2015, 17:10