Messerschmitt Bf-109 K-4
7 September 2015, 15:59

nice paintjob. When looking at the boxart, it seems there that the upper gray is much paler than here
6 October 2015, 15:46

@ Bart Goesaert - I used Gunze H-69 RLM75 Gray, so it should be correct. I'll apply some slight weathering and flat coat finish will surely fade it a little bit.
6 October 2015, 16:31

Very nice painting indeed, soft edge is done well and to-scale, excellent 🙂
19 October 2015, 16:33

A pitty that some decals are not printed in Register but your "Ingeborg"😄 looks really sexy!🙂
6 November 2015, 07:51

Thank you, mates! 🙂
@ Holger Kranich: Yes, that's the only significant issue on this kit, and my mistake is that I didn't inspect decals and bought aftermarket one.
6 November 2015, 08:53

Well done! decals are my cryptonite so I aint sayin nuthin about them, they look good to me
10 November 2015, 03:01

This is one of the best looking Bf-109's I have seen here on SM, and you deserve all the praise you will see here. 🙂 👍
11 November 2015, 17:31