World War 2.1 - Buffalo Hawk Aero Cannon Final Reveal

Cheers Ben glad you like it 🙂
What started off as a quick weekend build ended up being a full on two project !
Great fun though and I never anticipated the direction this would take or the very warm reaction and feedback, this has been a very different kind of build altogether 🙂

Choppa, It has been a really big thrill for me to see this project take shape and I am honoured that I have had some small role in the sense that you asked my opinion and advice. 🙂
I am sure this will be the start of a very rewarding and soul satisfying venture that will have some great diversity thrown in for good measure, especially if there is a cartoon series attached that would play an integral part in the whole promotion and production side of things. 🙂
From every one's reaction and feed back, I am sure you must by now be aware that you have a real chance at making your passion and creativity pay dividends, not only financially, but spiritually too. 🙂
Thanks for including me in all that. It has been a joy and a lot of fun.
Cheers. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍 👍 👍

Cheers for the awesome comment Kerry and all your encouragements too, hugely appreciated 🙂
As for the cartoon series, that's a long way off but a possibility though, especially as I will be doing the CAD models which could easily be adapted for CG animations. But to begin with on that front I am going to start off with the comic book idea using drawings over photos of the models as I kind of originally planned to, I think with trying to kit these I will be plenty busy for a while yet 🙂 👍

haha why would you like to order one as well ? 🙂
thanks for the massive compliment btw !! 😄

if they would be for sale, I would also be tempted... but it was a nice project to follow. congratz with the result

Cheers Bart, nice to have your vote of confidence 🙂
It's something I am still working towards, just things can take a bit longer than on would like,
but there is lots to work out, I really want to try and keep the retail price under £50 anyhow,
I also need to finish at least a couple more of these for the Gennessis models GB 🙂

Pretty awesome what you have created here Choppa - creativity without any limit! Also like the box design very much as also can be used as diorama-base!

Lol Bart, for a moment there I thought you said Sprue and Beer 😄
Cheers Christian, glad you like 🙂
the box was something a bit different from your usual display 🙂

So, the genius has revealed his hand. ? Oh, how nice to own one of these it will be mate. 🙂

Sheer genius, and we can all say, "I remember when" as we all buy all Choppa can have produced. 🙂 👍 For sure. 🙂

Cheers Kerry, I'm getting that ball rolling next, started a few of the relevant conversations with some of the right people etc. etc. CAD work starts next week and hopefully the first samples will be in soon after, all very new terrotory for me though, so one step at a time, but thank you hugely for all your support and encouragement though, last few weeks have taken it out of me, just resting up for a few days 😄
Anyhow, the other two models have their own Final reveals here 🙂
Iron Wulf 1/48 -> World War 2.1 - Iron Wulf Spinne Kannone Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta
Kugel Spatz 1/20 -> World War 2.1 - Kugel Spatz Gun Bike 1/20 Final Reveal | Album by Choppa Nutta

Choppa, I have been telling all my mates here about your creations and the link for them to have a look, and Choppa, you are headed for a most interesting time in you life, as all of them want one and more. 🙂

Sweet, it would be something of a dream come true if I can make a success of this 🙂
I would be good to get an idea of numbers though as it would me plan things etc. the more market research and feedback I can get the better 🙂
The Buffalo Hawk is definitely going to be the first one on the list for development and release though as the other two are quite complicated

I still think that every modeller, once he sees that "Blueprint" box and the box art of the contents, these models will 'be flying out the door', and that 'theme' is constant in the presentation of the others in the 'range', it will be the success it deserves to be Chopps'.
When you look at the models on the shelves in any hobby shop, you immediately KNOW what the red and white boxes are..............Airfix,and the list goes on.
That 'icon', the 'blueprint' packaging is what will always be associated with you and the brand you have created, and 'brand' is everything, and, it will become your 'trade mark' so to speak, along with that "2.1", they will stand out like dog's balls in the moonlight mate.
You have a whole captive audience here mate, and many many more modellers pass by as they tour the forums to see what going on.
I want the whole collection as it develops Choppa, as this will not be just a 'one off' I am sure, as there must be so much more in that hypo brain of yours just itching to hit the streets. LOL 🙂
Voom. !!!!

Cheers Kerry,
yeah loads of ideas on the drawing board 🙂
Also have some ideas for other products including some novel photomat backdrops for display and photographing ones finished models etc. but more on that one later 🙂
Had a really interesting discussion with Mike Grant earlier about branding as there are basically two schools of thought and tastes in this regard, the Tamiya /Eduard approach and the Revell/Airfix style for example, the sophisticated V strong, the latter of which is more the direction I have gone for here, both work and both have their place but now that i have stuck my stake in the ground so to speak I had best continue with it, especially given the all great feedback on it 🙂
I think it is unrealistic for me to imagine that I can create something that absolutely everyone will want but if I can create something that proves to be popular enough for some level of success I will be overjoyed 🙂
Anyhow, one step at a time 🙂

Maybe a couple of weeks & then time it takes to get the sample printed & posted to me, plus the build test, add on the tweeking & repeat till I'm satisfied its as good as I can make it, I am hoping two months all in 🙂

Ok, thanks.
We can wait and hope (as we live in hope) that you make this one right at the first attempt as it's the easier one 👍
Album info
What started off as an idea has become a reality,
all be it an alternative one 🙂
Much to my surprise these ideas have garnered some demand and I will be trying to kit some of them to make available to those who like the unusual and the unique. Initial releases will be 3D printed plastic as this requires the least financial investment for me to get it off the ground.
The kits will be compatible with Eduard's PE sets where possible.
But more than they will be fun original kits ideal for scratch building detail without the headache of having to design how everything fits together.
Anyhow, this is very much a new venture for me that I would very much like to see into action, thank you again for everyones support and encouragement during the build, I hope you enjoy my final reveals of the models from World War 2.1 🙂