WIP - Coastal Defence
Photo 1 of 73
1 22 March 2017, 15:35

Thanks Guys and welcome aboard. it will be a long build but I hope I will do them in next few months.
Trumpy did a good job but I have a feeling that parts are not as good quality as in SCUD. Looks like some forms were used too many times and there is much more cleaning needed. A lot of disturbing seem lines. In SCUD for examples i used kits handles and stuff, but now I'm doing them from wire as it is imposible to clean such small parts without breaking or sanding from round to flat.
23 March 2017, 10:30

I have the Rubezh in stash and I also plan on getting the Bereg, so I'm most definitely in! 🙂
23 March 2017, 11:42

Thank you all and welcome to the show. I hope you won't be dissapointed.
25 March 2017, 20:27

Some new photos added. Frame from Bereg completed. Now moving to the Rubezh.
27 March 2017, 10:35

Hi James, Frame is rather straightforward, some cleaning is needed but all parts fit very well.
28 March 2017, 08:51

Thank you Michael. They are almost ready for painting. I paint both drivers cabs inside as well as missile launcher and missiles. Assembling and gluing last parts and in next few days I hope I will start painting.
Kits are great but I'm missing interior of additional compartments. For both Bereg and Rubezh steering cabins are totally empty, you can make door open but inside there is no single part.
18 April 2017, 14:41

Nice work so far... do you have an idea of the camouflage you want to apply?
18 April 2017, 15:35

Thanks Glenn.
Thank you Bart. No, I still do not have an idea how to paint them. Still wondering...
18 April 2017, 19:57

Thank you Spanjaard.
I've changed road a little bit. One vehicle will stand on the road or roadside, while the other will be placed on the grass (some pressed grass will show tha path).
17 August 2017, 10:52

Marques - thank you. Go ahead, they are pretty good and the build was very straightforward.
Thanks Bart - As usual I had problems with colors. I love Tamiya paints but their range is very limited. I had to mix them, but overall I'm quite satisfied with result. Especially that camo was painted free hand (only green on Bereg was painted with masking putty).
6 October 2017, 14:59

These machines already existed in the Soviet period, or are post-soviet? Are they used by other countries? From wikipedia I was not sure, seems they have only been used now in Russia...
6 October 2017, 18:44

Bereg is in production since 1980 and Rubezh since 1978, so you can say they are from the Soviet era. The primary user has been the USSR army (and Navy), although Rubezh has been exported to some Eastern European countries and in the Middle East. I know for a fact that the Romanian army still uses 4 Rubezh units for coastal defence and the kit does include romanian decals, among others.
The missile itself P-15 Termit (or its family) is in use since 1950s by many countries, including China and North Korea.
6 October 2017, 20:09