Tim Heimer АвторThank you Gaston, Glad you liked it.
28 July 2017, 19:45
Peter HardySo Tim, is the chalk the grey streaking?
19 January 2018, 05:03
Konrad -Very cool Tim! I like it very much👍
19 January 2018, 05:09
Tim Heimer АвторYes peter it is. Thank you Konrad, appreciate the like.
19 January 2018, 12:48
Peter HardyOk. I'll pick up that chalk pack next Wednesday.
19 January 2018, 22:32
Mathew NateIs this an easy kit without painiting and gluing ?
10 February 2018, 14:59
Tim Heimer АвторYes it's a snap tite. I altered the base for that pose.
11 February 2018, 13:23
Revell Kit#85-1825 I bought this snap together on a whim in the discount bin ,and as it went together I decided to do it up with slight mods- repositioned base, added exhaust flames, made a pilot from a 1/72 soldier, and weathered. Then made lasers effect with fiber optics. Not too bad for a cheap kit and half heartingly effort.