Alexander GrivonevI'm not into figure painting, but that is amazing 👍
12 November 2017, 16:30
Scott DuttonGreat bust. Such good skin tones, oils or acrylic painting
12 November 2017, 16:59
seb H АвторThanks mates, I used oils for every parts 😉 even for the armor, i first used oils with silver powder, then for the helmet i discovered AK and true metal oils, that's work great 🙂
12 November 2017, 17:42
seb H Авторthe only acrilic paint were used for the insignia (black and ivory)
12 November 2017, 17:43
Scott DuttonChees, just tried true metal myself on some shells, innteresting product
12 November 2017, 17:49
Konrad -Hi Seb! Great work absolutely amazing! It looks fantastic. 👍
12 November 2017, 17:55
seb H Авторthanks konrad 😉
12 November 2017, 18:29
Spanjaarda really nice job you have here Seb. excellent figure painting IMHO.
23 January 2018, 20:52
seb H АвторThanks mates, your words are really appreciated 🙂
24 January 2018, 09:20
Paul StubbsIncredible realism 👍.
24 January 2018, 11:15
Guy RumpSuperb, I wish I could do half as well!
24 January 2018, 11:28
seb H АвторThanks Guy and paul 😉
24 January 2018, 11:49