Harry EderWell done! Your Mil Mi-2 looks great! 👍
23 October 2018, 05:58
Konrad АвторThank you Harry 🙂
23 October 2018, 06:13
NeulingVery well made and presented!
23 October 2018, 06:53
WAHO LEUGreat job. I love it so much.
23 October 2018, 10:21
Daniel KlinkYou did a superb job here! Like the weathering effects and the detailwork especially 👍
23 October 2018, 10:47
Konrad АвторThanks for feedback 🙂
23 October 2018, 14:11
Bernhard PetheClass model, and worthy of a prize. 👍
28 October 2018, 21:16
Saeed EzadiWow very nice built. I have this bird in my stash hope it will results in a good one too🙂
6 November 2018, 06:22
Slavo HazuchaGreat job on this cute little fellow!
27 May 2019, 22:17
Zsolt CzegleGreat work! 👍 Well deserved awards!
10 June 2019, 07:12
CuajeteVery nice result. Congrats for the awards!
10 June 2019, 11:03
Konrad АвторThank you all Colleagues 🙂
10 June 2019, 20:38
Nathan DempseyVery nice! I've been think of adding one of these in 1:48 to my stash.
10 June 2019, 20:39
Konrad АвторNathan - I'm not sure if there is a good model of Mi-2 in 1/48 🙁
10 June 2019, 20:57
Nathan DempseyThe one I was looking at is made by AeroPlast. The only other one is a snap-together kit.
10 June 2019, 22:57
Łukasz GlińskiApparently Aeroplast's Mi-2 is said to be a rather good kit, on the contrary to most of their 1/72 range 🙂
11 June 2019, 00:08
Nathan DempseyGood to hear. Hopefully I can make it look as nice as this build.
11 June 2019, 00:17
Bernhard PetheMi-2 for ever! Wonderful model in the best scale. 👍
11 June 2019, 16:36
RolandOutstanding! Awesome!
24 June 2019, 11:41