Zlin Z-142M
1 4 June 2019, 19:47

Nice little bird, colors & finish looking really good. Was there a particular reason the kit was translucent?
10 June 2019, 22:11

Very nice topic (I have to get one too) and very nice build. However I have to point out, the seatbelts seem to be missing.
11 June 2019, 01:22

Thank you guys! Slavo Hazucha - no particular reason. Both kits from Hobby Boss - Z-42 and Z-142 are molded from translucent plastic. Łukasz Gliński - Yes I know. There is not much details in the cockpit but you are aboslutely right. Those seatbelts could be added. Either I forgot or was too lazy at that time.
11 June 2019, 04:00