Airmodel AM-9003 Lufwaffe Revetment "open shelter" Diorama 1/72
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1 20 January 2020, 12:23

Very cool, where did you get all that strange Airmodel stuff from?😉
20 January 2020, 15:25

Thank you. 🙂 It's all in my head and wants to come out. You may understand what kind of a mess it's inside of my head. 😉
To be honest.... I´m happy my eye catches all these little details out of the reference photos and books available. Still so many ideas and only 2 hands to work with....
20 January 2020, 23:34

Thank you Spanjaard..... though I planed to add much more details to make it more interresting.... Never had the time for that so it went to the display stand in a somewhat unfinished stage 🙁
23 January 2020, 13:26

I could 🙂 If I would have enough time. But one never know!!! The shown diorama was basicaly built to show it on exhibitions for selling the product itself and for that it worked. But something always inside of me never was completely satisfied not having finished the built with details.
25 January 2020, 09:33
Album info
Full vacuumformed kit with resin wooden planks. Easy and fast way to build a diorama.