Bristol Britannia
Photo 1 of 27
3 4 April 2020, 08:49

Thank you both for your interest, you are very welcome!
4 April 2020, 14:20

Lukasz, I am sorry but these markimgs are reserved fot the next project, a 'Bristol Austria'.
4 April 2020, 18:51

The first two pictures document, what happened in the very first minutes of applying the kit decals. Well...
I had a second variant with a decal set for Britannias from Caledonian, made by "26 decals". The worked quite fair. For the cabin windows I did use the decal variant from the 26-sheet. I did not use the Caledonian markings from the beginning because I had no idea how to correct a certain color-problem. Can you find out, what is wrong? 🙂
11 April 2020, 11:39

That's why I prefer to paint the bigger stripes if I can. On the other hand - many thanks for testing the 26 stuff before I started it 😄
11 April 2020, 13:01

not sure about the colour issue - the yellow seems to be "different " on the first pictures....
11 April 2020, 14:27

Jürgen, he explanation is: there should be a fine white line running along the lower edge of the golden band - also below the elegant curvature along the bow. It would be a lot of work to paint this precisely beforehand, because there is no white printed on the decals.
Lukasz 🙂 I really enjoyed doing!
12 April 2020, 16:32

Xtradecal makes some nice white stripes, I use them every then and now😉
12 April 2020, 17:18

Despite of the Decal thing
Beautiful, wonderful, lovely built and choice of subject...Roland🙂
12 April 2020, 17:32

This is a useful hint Lukasz! Thanks for your interest and comments!
13 April 2020, 08:02

A few last picture of the Britannia being build; last "finishing touches" will be applied, but more or less Britannia is in the home strait. Wheel struts have got some wiring- a little bit on the thick side I guess 🙂
15 April 2020, 07:15

Great build Roland, it was a Britannia that my parents travelled to Cyprus on in 1960, they loved it. 🙂
15 April 2020, 18:10

Finished at last! What an experiential project! The whole thing was a test drive for "bigger" 1:144 projects: a C-124 Globemaster and a Cargomaster are to follow. But also this construction was really fun. Thanks for your comments and your interest!
15 April 2020, 18:10

Thank you for your very kind comments mates- and personal touch!
16 April 2020, 06:14

Thank you Alex! A small correction: It is the Roden kit.
16 April 2020, 08:58

Thank you both! The only Mach 2 kit i ever had the pleasure of working with was their Dornier Do 26. A most beautiful aircraft- and really the worst kit I ever experienced. 🙂
16 April 2020, 10:50

Great Build - super Roland. btw - my Mach2 experience was the Leduc RAM-jet, and it was....well, it's a cool aircraft ( 😉 )
16 April 2020, 11:06

Thank you Lukasz and Jürgen! I will measure -tomorrow 🙂
16 April 2020, 19:35

Ad Mach 2: I agree, Jürgen: a selection of highly interesting aircraft, but kits that spoil motivation to invest time and energy.Your Leduc RAM Jet is worth looking!
16 April 2020, 19:47