Happy little accidents!

I remember this kit from years ago.
It didn't look like this.
Extremely great looking build Ralf.
Album info
Just another little airbrush training. That is what I thought it is. It turned out to be the by far heaviest bootcamp challenge I faced right now. Pull over the chains some washing and some highlights and it is done.
You never now how much you can proove yourself wrong until you are ready. First the vinyl chains broke. Unlike many others I don't misslike vinylchains in general. They can be quite good if they are well made. But unlike whine or whiskey they ain't gettin' better with age. And then hell broke loose. while trying to fix it first I broke a wheel. Then the barrel broke off and at last I broke off one of the headlights.
Well challenge accepted!
Now this is the final product of a hell of a ride and I am finally happy with it as it is. Enjoy mates!
The album title is a reminiscence to Bob Ross ( R.I.P.)