Douglas A-1H Skyraider
Photo 1 of 21
41 3 January 2022, 05:23 a stalemate, waiting for a paint delivery from the hobby shop. Gunna try out GSI lacquer Mr. Color.
3 January 2022, 05:31

Ahaha, yes, they are the best. For flat colors I prefer Mr Paint lacquers, but gloss is Mr Color all the way. What a nice Spad!! 👍
7 January 2022, 16:05

thank you...the real test will be getting the weathering to where I want it.
7 January 2022, 21:06 Tamiya TS-80 (spray can dull coat) allow to dry for a day ... light sand with 2500 ... then decals with Mr Mark Setter and Softer, wait another day ... then another layer of TS-80, allow to dry overnight ... next, sand all decals with 2500 to reduce the carrier film. Finish with another coat of TS-80, ready for weathering. Happy with the results, carrier film is completely disguised, but it's time consuming. I like the TS-80, it leaves a very smooth hard surface, and I don't think using gloss is any better (although I would like to try Mr. Color Super Clear III).
10 January 2022, 11:43

Panel line wash is Tamiya Dark Gray. Next is oil colour stains and exhaust.
11 January 2022, 20:03

Looking busy...
Dave, how do you clean the excess of Tamiya panel line wash? I somehow always manage to eat through my gentle layer of GX100 and into the paint.
12 January 2022, 07:54

Sergej, Let the GX100 dry and harden completely, then use AK050 Odorless thinner. It is quite mild and and I use only a slightly dampened paper towel. If you can actually see the thinner as you wipe the may be too much. Only use just enough to remove the excess. Have a look here... Youtube Video

12 January 2022, 08:35

I think I'll go back to building tanks....much easier. Although I have a P47 to try out a metallic finish on. Glutton for punishment.
16 January 2022, 06:34

Oh wow! 👍 Congratulations on the model complete Dave, this is a masterpiece model, you should not go back to tanks 😉
16 January 2022, 07:05

Beautiful Skyraider Dave...IMHO don't stop building planes you're building real stunners.
16 January 2022, 09:15