Grumman E-2C Hawkeye 2000 VAW-123 Screwtops
Photo 1 of 130
88 14 June 2022, 07:32

@ Lochsa : I sold the Wolfpack No. WP72025 E-2C Hawkeye Folding Wing Set for Hasegawa because I finally didn't like the folded wings anymore. Probably I will use my recently finished ITALERI carrier flight deck with jet blast deflector or mayby I build a new airfiled for the Naval Station Norfolk Chambers Field.
14 June 2022, 15:39

AK-Interactive RC508 Clear Smoke was used for the first time for the tinted side windows of the cockpit canopy ...
16 June 2022, 08:40

40 degrees heat now also in East Westphalia, good if you can escape to a cool basement for model building 🙂
20 July 2022, 18:43

Very nice work so far! Good luck with the remaining paint job!
What's the story behind photo #40? The three Staedtler Lumocolor pens?
7 August 2022, 14:53

I love it when a kit comes with the flaps-down-option 👍
Would be great to see that on a 1/144 Hawkeye
7 August 2022, 15:28

Bernd, I used the pens for the passive detection system between the two taxi lights. Unfortunately these are so small in scale 1:72 that one can no longer see them with the naked eye 😉
7 August 2022, 19:09

Note to self; do not undertake flap surgery on the 1/144 scale wings. Drooped ailerons could work, but the flaps themselves are too complicated.
I bought the Heller kit by chanche, and looking at the kit and references from the real plane, any flap surgery will mess up the model...
13 August 2022, 21:24

Hello Bas, I have only little experience with the 1:144 scale, except that I wanted to enable my son to start this hobby with a Tomcat and a Eurofighter. Unfortunately the attempt failed against Fortnite and Valorant 🙁
14 August 2022, 06:53

After a break of several weeks due to the great weather in August, the propellers, which are really difficult to paint, have finally been completed today 🙂
10 September 2022, 18:57

Unfortunately, this project is a lame duck! The masking work on the fuselage, wings and empennage is finally finished, the painting can start this week 🙂
25 September 2022, 18:15

FS 16440 light gull gray from MR HOBBY 315 did not have enough opacity, so it was coated a second time with XTRACRYLIX XA1137, but unfortunately this shade is a little darker
2 October 2022, 07:17

A call for help to all scalemates worldwide !!! My Authentic Decals 72-24 Grumman E-2C Hawkeye 2000 Atlantic Fleet break into 1000 pieces in lukewarm water. Where is the mistake and what can I do better now? Does anyone still have the decals for the VAW-123 Screwtops BuNo 163693 USS Enterprise 2005 and no longer need them? After weeks of concentrated and clean work, now this setback 🙁
19 October 2022, 18:50

Oliver....that is awful and not your fault.
A search for your decals came up empty....but, do you really want those decals now? Maybe there is another brand that has something close that won't disintegrate?
here is one:
19 October 2022, 20:05

Unfortunately noticed this 10 years too late 🙁
20 October 2022, 16:53

I tend to use the micro scale film over decals whenever they aren't made "in the last couple years"
20 October 2022, 17:03

With the help of (cars10) my project can still be finished. Thank you very much for that 🙂
23 October 2022, 17:59

Very nice work so far with cool decals, taking a seat for the final efforts. 👍
23 October 2022, 20:31

The second sheet of decals has now arrived as a replacement. After a series of tests with the "microscale liquid decal film", which is still unknown to me, the construction continues ...
29 October 2022, 09:10

These decals are bewitched. If you take a little MS liquid decal film, they break again. If you take too much, they stay in shape, but they curl up - so I really don't know what to do at the moment ??? 🙁
1 November 2022, 18:09

The third, reproduced set of decals "US flag flames" did not achieve a reasonable result despite all efforts 🙁 Therefore, the Hawkeye is being stored until a solution is found..... Have a nice Advent season, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 😉
4 December 2022, 11:46

Too bad !! Any older paint schemes possible?
Would be a shame not to finish this project
4 December 2022, 20:57

Thank you Bas and Skywalker, but an older paint scheme is not possible anymore and I think, I do not have the skills to airbrush and mask this filigree pattern of stars and stripes . I need a creative break and a sense of achievement with a new model before I return to the Hawkeye 😉
10 December 2022, 11:12

Skywalker has encouraged me to up my game on a build, you might give it a try when you feel better. I have found his advice to be good! It may be a skill you can acquire!
10 December 2022, 12:42

Maybe you can find a small and simple model to practice on, like a F-15 or F-16.
1/144 could be enough I think
10 December 2022, 23:12

Hye mates and welcome back to my E-2C Hawkeye 2000. After an interruption of 3 months, I succeeded with the fourth set of wet decals. As Arnold Schwarzeregger always said: I'll be back...
10 March 2023, 19:07

@ S M - I used the redmarker to correct the flames because I had to hand paint the white spaces in between with FS16440 light gull gray MR HOBBY 315.
11 March 2023, 09:53

Thank you mates for the many new likes, your praise and your appreciation 🙂 The damage to the nose cone was my own fault, the model fell off the crafting table onto the floor after I had carelessly knocked it off the foam pad 🙁
14 March 2023, 05:42

" Rig that thing "fine size by Uschi van der Rosten will be the next challenge ....
14 March 2023, 05:45

Wow, overcoming all difficulties, but it will turn a truly fantastic Hawkeye
14 March 2023, 21:27

Unfortunately, I have never built sailing ships and did not get along with this thin, elastic rigging yarn at all. So I stretched out 0.2 mm thick black Perlon cord .....
15 March 2023, 05:51

The last step was the tiny windscreen wipers made from photo-etched parts. Basically, this time-consuming and complex project could only be realized with the selfless support of my two Scalemates Cars10 and Tommy124. Thank you so much and honor where honor is due!
18 March 2023, 06:56

I'm very happy to see this one finished despite all the challenges! Well done!
19 March 2023, 08:21

A worthy end result - as a model as well as from the presentation in the successful photos! Congratulations on the completion of this beauty!
19 March 2023, 09:28

Thank you for these many likes und your kind responses, mates!
19 March 2023, 18:40

Amazing presentation with the final pictures! A true testament to your skill and resilience for finishing that kit despite all your challenges. A great looking bird 👍
19 March 2023, 20:12

So I saw the cover pic (#129) and started to wonder - is it the build or the real thing 😮 👍
28 March 2023, 11:39

Dear mates, all your recent words make me quite proud. Thank you very much, your great appreciation means a lot to me 🙂
29 March 2023, 05:09
Album info
BuNo 163693 - Atlantic Ocean 2005 - USS Enterprise CVN-65