1:72 Pz.Kpfw.V Panther Ausf.G, January 1945
107 6 August 2022, 18:54

The winter camo looks quite interesting. Did you apply a thin layer of the white over some of the exposed normal camo, or is this an optical illusion?
14 August 2022, 14:33

Hy Tom,
It´s not the look that i want to achieve.
The washable color has lubricated too much.
The lower camouflage should be much better to see.
Could not remove the excess without damaging the other paint work.
Worked like a very strong white filter.
I think the washable white works better for larger scales, next time I'll use chipping fluids again.
14 August 2022, 14:58

I understand, that easily happens with that washable white acrylic. Just put some on my BT-7 where I did make use of the very phenomenon that worked against you here. I guess the filter effect is a two edged sword...
14 August 2022, 18:36

It has a ghostly, ethereal quality which gives it (for me) more of a sculptural feel, and perhaps a subliminal, deeper message.... Serendipity sometimes needs to be allowed to happen. 🙂👍
21 August 2022, 16:24

Ha, ha, Bruce, you are right!
I wanted to try to create some variety.
Some will say that it is too much, but if I manage to make it look interesting, I'm happy!
I am a clear representative of artistic freedom 🤣
Things that stand out are often better for me than the standard.- However, I also have nothing to complain about the "standard" 😉
21 August 2022, 16:36

The wash had a really awesome effect here in my opinion! It looks rather lively with the rust an dirt seeping into the white areas. Great stuff 👍
21 August 2022, 18:10

Fully agree with Bruce. Be proud of your experimental approach, it looks fabulous!
23 August 2022, 15:31

Thanks Rui, more will follow...
Thank you too, Mirko, i´m glad that you join this party 😁
Also thanks to Robert!
@Tom: the dirt/ rust (somehow both🙂) I set it up before the pin wash was done, with glazes made of acrylic colors.
With the enamel wash I darkened it again a bit, because the contrast was too strong.
Now i´m quite fine with theresult, thanks!
23 August 2022, 16:10

Can't believe the facial painting in photo 8. How the heck? Truly astonishing.....
28 August 2022, 20:49

Thanks James and Bruce!
The final pictures are yet to come!
@Bruce: maybe this is interesting for you
Sample | Album by s.nagorsnik
29 August 2022, 04:08

Simon, many thanks - that is a very useful tutorial - I'll take away lots, all very useful for 1:35 and 1:24 figures too. Perhaps I'll even dare to try 1:72! I note that you don't add a warmer tone to the ears or lips. I definately agree about the choice of colours (not using anything called 'skin tone'!). Your points about the uniforms were things I'd never thought about - pin washes then filters, but it all makes perfect sense 🙂
29 August 2022, 06:17

So, work is done!
Thanks mates for all your comments and special thanks to Chan- a great finish 😁
30 August 2022, 15:41

Ok, I'm confused, my translator says cow dragon, thanks?! 🤣
30 August 2022, 16:02

Incredible! Looks like a 1/35 build. You really promote armor kits in 1/72 scale!
9 September 2022, 10:17

Thank you Neuling for your compliment, we do what we can, right?! 😁
9 September 2022, 13:34

Your paint job on tank and figures is excellent again. The nice vignette really adds to it.
10 September 2022, 15:50

A big compliment from a great master, thank you Michael!
And thank you too Oleg, i'm also very glad about your words!
10 September 2022, 19:07

Thanks a lot Guy!
But this kit is only built out of the box.
As for the details, Vespid did most of the work😂
10 September 2022, 22:18

Thanks a lot for your compliment gorby!
It's actually not as hard as you might think.
First I paint the whole area of the eye with dark gray and then put a tiny white dot in the left and right area.
That's all, it just takes some practice 😁😉
7 October 2023, 17:32

Klasse Arbeit, wie immer! 👍
Ein bisschen zu spaet, aber bin ich endlich angekommen.... 😉
28 November 2023, 07:31

Yet another amazing dio - the winter wash effect was done to perfection - it's subtle, yet distinct. If you can do this on 1/72, I'd love to see your work in 1/35!
3 February 2024, 17:06