Blackburn Buccaneer S.2C/DПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък« Prev123Next » 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 Photo 1 of 28Коментари 23 5 September 2022, 12:02Eelco GregoireNice! You are the first on SM to built it. Watching. 7 September 2022, 16:09AugieWatching 7 September 2022, 16:11Eric Thornton+1 following 7 September 2022, 19:06David TaylorI'm in.Will you be putting in the crew. 7 September 2022, 19:48Ricardo ReisFollowing! 8 September 2022, 23:40RuiAlso watching 👀 9 September 2022, 03:27Geoff K АвторNot sure David, I am keen to show the flight deck details rather than pop a crew member in, plus I am not very good at painting them that well. 11 September 2022, 19:29Project infoBlackburn Buccaneer S.2C/D28 снимки1:48В ходScratchbuiltВсички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »