StuH 42 - Tamiya 1/48
Photo 1 of 10
22 25 September 2022, 19:23

Really great, just watch out for pin marks.
Tamiya tends to have them on annoying planes.
27 September 2022, 04:55

Christian, yes pin marks were horrible on the inside of the shurzen but I managed to fill them.
Thank you all!
30 September 2022, 22:33

Very nice work & subtle weathering 👍 I really like to see them packed for the journey 😉
1 October 2022, 11:25

Thank you. 🙂 Did you notice the bottle of schnapps by the commander?
1 October 2022, 19:33
Album info
StuH 42 - Tamiya 1/48. I liked the short barrel of the StuH 105mm howitzer version and wanted to install the shurzen at the same time so I looked for such version until I came across the below photo which I based my model on. The model itself was assembled out of the box with the addition of extra tracks to match the photo and I also added stowage in the back, I think it makes it more interesting altogether. I used AK 3rd generation acrylics paints with AK washes, pencils and pigments. After predusting the model I made a simple base and added the same mud on the hull, wheels and tracks. I am not very skilled at painting figures but I'd say I did OK this time, need to practice more that is for sure.
Model 26 for 2022!