1:72 Flashback Voisin III

Lovely! Huge respect for the rigging! One of my fav WWI planes, thx for sharing a bit of context too 👍

Congrats! Nice topic & great model. Well done paint job and rigging 👍.

I can only nod my head in awe and agreement. Excellent rendition of this lesser known plane.

A thing with four wheels is a car? Then this is a wonderful air car 👍

Congrats, its fantastic! Bellissimo complimenti (in italiano 🙂 )
Album info
The Voisin III was one of the first, if not the first, purpose-built tactical bomber. Used primarily by France and Italy in WWI, it utilized modern control surfaces and the novelty of bombs carried under the fuselage. The pilot sat directly under the gun tripod and a bomber/gunner, sat behind--standing in the cockpit to operate the gun. I did this Italian version for the r/modelmakers WWI group build ending November 2022.
Picked up this old kit on consignment somewhere. Flashback stuff is nice and well thought out, but the plastic is quite brittle these days and has some distortions. The decals are really nice, but have gotten fragile with age as well. This kit includes the plastic sprues, decals, resin parts, and photo etch details. The instructions are decent as well, but a little hard to follow. I resequenced most of the construction process to suit my needs.