YOA Mk.Vb EN921
Photo 1 of 34
29 4 November 2022, 11:53

I see I'm not the only one running into problems with decals. Nice save on those roundels, looking good!
8 November 2022, 22:19

Very nice! 👍 The exhaust and exhaust stains look very accurate, how did you do them Pierre?
1 December 2022, 15:45

Thank you all!
Alberto: exhausts were primed w/ lacquer brown, then lacquer steel colour, tamiya weathering pastels of both rust colours and finally a mist of very diluted tamiya redbrown. Stains were first sprayed very diluted tamiya redbrown+black, then black, then some more spraying with black+burnt sienna acrylic inks, and finally black and sepia oils.
1 December 2022, 17:49

Wow, thanks for the explanation Pierre. Very thorough process, it paid off with a great result!
2 December 2022, 15:15