Happy New Year to all of my Scalemates! Especially Greg Baker!
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16 31 December 2022, 23:26

Cheers Peter! I second Frank's comment, although I read in one of his threads that a new job is messing with his hobby time. If memory serves…
3 January 2023, 02:18

I am trying to contact Greg on the only contact of his I have but he isn't answering.
3 January 2023, 09:10

Happy New Year to all my mates!
I'm sorry for going MIA in November, but a combination of a new job, the end of the Formula 1 season, the first FIFA World Cup for Canada in 36 years and then the Christmas/New Year's break... I've had my free time sucked up almost completely. Fear not... I've cleaned out and reorganized the "Monkey Business Room" (a phrase coined by my lovely wife), and got a new Iwata Airbrush... so I'm back in action now. 😄
5 January 2023, 02:37