Panther Ausf A
69 5 January 2023, 10:36

Beautiful job so far, really digging how that camo came out. Looking forward to the weathering!
21 January 2023, 07:41

You armor guys always do such a great job on the details! Can't wait to see the finished scene!
18 April 2023, 16:05

Missed this top dio ........... Newsfeed overload ........ I fully agree with Spamjaard, Mathias and Doubtingmango.
23 June 2023, 18:56

Can only agree with the above. Very good dio. The trees and foliage is great. Is it home made or bought?
26 July 2023, 22:22

Thank you all.
Mr James, the vegetation is made with a mixture of commercial and homemade pieces. and what nature offers us!
17 August 2023, 08:31

Just a wrong letter - no joke or play on words! In my comment of June 23 I accidently wrote "Spamjaard" instead of "Spanjaard". Sorry for this error! Spanjaard is a highly respected commentator and modeller.
17 August 2023, 08:41

wow! Love the final result! The tank and crew are excellent, but the vegetation is just perfect! This scene feels like a Panther counter attack on D-Day in hedge row.
24 January 2024, 15:23