Heller - Hawker Tempest MkV
23 1 March 2023, 21:01

Cool. What type paint are you using? On the hunt for a cheap airbrush that can handle enamel....
1 March 2023, 21:40

Watching, Not on what you are building but how that Airbrush works. I picked one up not too long ago but have not used it.
2 March 2023, 00:42

@Roy: I have been using Tamiya acrylics so far, no idea how it performs when using enamels.
@Robbie: As a complete airbrush beginner I think it works pretty good so far!
@bossy: I use Vallejo airbrush cleaner and som cotton buds and household paper.
2 March 2023, 06:58

Yeah, that's how I clean mine too. Or I just soak the whole damn thing in 91% alcohol, then clean it. Either way: pain in the ass.
2 March 2023, 09:33

In comment to your latest post the grainy texture I have heard called Orange skin. Air pressure too high and paint not thinned enough. Not sure that AB you can control air pressure but do recommend thinning the paint a tad more. This is why I wanted to follow your post.
3 March 2023, 21:29

@Robbie: Thanks for the tip! I thinned Tamiya acrylics about 40% paint to 60% thinner. I tried setting the needle so that only a little paint is allowed out. I read in a guide that you should aim for the paint to look somewhat wet when applied to the model, which mine didn't.
3 March 2023, 21:32

Hopefully some of the more Air Brush pros will chim in. But I might thin to 50-50, and do light what they call 'misting' Again a lot of this is based on the behavior of the air brush. I got this AB just for the fact it did not have a cord and I can take it out to the back patio or garage to do mostly primer or basic colour blasts and did not have move a compressor.
3 March 2023, 22:04

@Michael: Thanks, I just ruined it by painting over half of it... Going for the Newchurch Wing paint scheme, hope it works out in the end.
7 March 2023, 21:41

I have the same observation about paint coverage on the Fieseler Storch I have on the bench. Only difference to your white is that I have a very dark green. I think it is more the pigment than the shade that determines coverage. I am using both Tamiya Acrylics and Vallejo air, and they both have advantages / disadvantages.
8 March 2023, 12:22

That looks great, especially for a build of firsts and experiments.
18 March 2023, 21:53