Scratched Lewis gunПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1April 27, 2023Aluminium sheet and styrene for the body of the Lewis 2April 27, 2023Cotton bud stem for the gun barrel. 3April 27, 2023 4April 27, 2023 5April 27, 2023 6April 27, 2023Washers and Tamiya tape for the ammunition drum 7April 27, 2023 8April 27, 2023 9April 27, 2023 10April 27, 2023Completed Lewis gun. 11April 27, 2023 Коментари 2 27 April 2023, 12:15Album info1/32 Lewis gun. Great pieces are available from Gaspatch but I fancied the challenge.BE2c Scratch build123 снимки1:32В ходВсички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »