IJN A6M3 Type-22
Photo 1 of 18
40 8 July 2023, 06:42

Thank you everyone for your nice comments. I hope to upload more images.
9 July 2023, 17:46

In recent years, new research on ZEROs about the detail of mechanism and paint has been published in Japan.
This A6M3 type22 is based on the recent research published by K.Miyazaki and T.Nakamura,
so the details should be useful for guys interested in ZERO, I hope.
15 July 2023, 00:19

love this result, beautifull!! the cammo and weathering.
but why was the antenna cut off?? i'm curious about that.
19 September 2023, 15:11

Thanks Steven , The 251st IJN Squadron's Zero had removed the radio telephones, so the wooden antenna pole was also cut off as it would only create air resistance.
They were conducting single-plane air combat instead of formation air combat at the time. They also didn't use radio communication with their bases, as they took routes around the islands of the Solomon Islands or coral reef.
21 September 2023, 10:11
Album info
From two TAMIYA 1:32 A6M2 and A6M5.