2´nd Annual Scalemates Meeting 2014 Wangerooge
- Мащаб:
- 1:35
- Статус:
- Завършен
- Започнат:
- March 17, 2014
This is my contribution to the next Scalemates Meeting.
Its time to get some Heavy Metal on the bench!;)
This time its about the VK 16.02 Leopard recon tank. This "paper panzer" has never seen production, exept of its turret which was used for the "Puma". I think the "Leopard" looks like a shrinked version or the "´lil Bro" of the Panther. The drive is the same, just shortened, like the Panther. I always had a soft spot for this paper tank... I hope one week of building is enough to finish it! Ok, Amusing Hobby, lets see what you can...
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50mm KwK 39 L/60 Barrel for VK1602 Leopard
RB Model 1:35
35B112 /bg/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=10232&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB10232&page=projects&project=7075
5 March 2014, 18:35

Annnnnnd we have started!😄
Ähem, yesterday...😢
It feels great to be among a bunch of enthusiasts, who share their experiences, routine, and hidden treasures with me! Only today, i learned so much!
We did a lot of talkingshop, actually, and exchanged us about different things. Kits, paints, filler, pe´s, more kits...Verlinden fit issues, Fkn prices for Friuls, and so on and on... Was pure fun!
My VK1602 is an amazing kit! Detail and fit is remarkable! Here and there is a bit of flash and the instructions are not 100% reliable😢,but c´mon, we like it rough!😢😢
I´m using the Voyager "Big Ed" Set and a "kit in itself" RB Models barrel and muzzle. Great stuff, both is very comprehend but even hard to assemble when you´re a model greenhorn... Educational, though...!
I´ll keep ya posted!
Cheers, Holly!😄
17 March 2014, 22:57

Aaaaannd i have finished!😄
This kit was a godess! And pure fun with the stuff i added!
I am pleased with the result but there is much room for improvement on my side. My result showes that i lack building routine... But nonetheless i learned a lot whilst building and researching!
Thanks a lot to the guy´s and Marina who teached me much and had always a good hint for me!
I´m convinced that this shrinked Panther was not the last one from Amusing Hobby on my bench!😢
Thank you all for watching and commenting the album, final pictures will follow tomorrow! I´m tired and my eyes need rest😢!
Happy modeling😄😄
8 May 2014, 20:33

Thanks Augie, kind from you my dear! 😄
The Leopard found its place in the shelf but now the question is: What next?
With my stash in mind i´m thinking about my next outrage...😢
8 May 2014, 20:55

How do you inspire yourself for the next model?
I often build the latest in my stash and the older ones decay there...😢 But there are some exeptions! I dont dare to build some of my kits because i feel that i´m not ready for them, from my mood and from my skills...
8 May 2014, 21:01

Ha.. I'll be honest.. when it comes to the next build.. I end up going through what i have.. and which ever I fiddle with most I build
8 May 2014, 21:03

lol ! I combine both your things 😛
I go sit in front of my stash, take out some boxes that have the nicest pictures on them, go through the sprues and the one I look at the longest wins and goes on the bench 😄
But just like you, Holger, I have a few kits I just don't think I'm ready for yet, in terms of skill level 😉 there is still sooooo much I need to learn and improve on! And I don't want to end up messing up those beautiful kits 😉
Anyway, you did a really GREAT job on this kit! Congrats on a job (very) well done! 👍 👍
8 May 2014, 22:18