Ferrari F40
- Мащаб:
- 1:24
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- Завършен
- Започнат:
- November 26, 2014
- Завършен:
- December 17, 2014
In July 1987 Enzo Ferrari celebrated 40 years of automobiles carrying his name and unveiled the F40. The F40 is powered by a 4 valve DOHC 3.0 liter twin-turbo-charged V-8. With a tubular steel frame and composite body parts the bodywork is as stunning as the power-train and suspension. The F40 will go from 0 to 124 MPH in 12.0 seconds.
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11 December 2014, 01:09

Blame it on Testors/Rust-Oleim/RPM. Testors has always seemed "dark" to me. It is Italian Red though, topped with Pledge Floor Care Finish.
20 December 2014, 16:01

Hey Shengsong, check out the new pictures! Instead of trying to use the opposite side of the color wheel for background, here are some pictures with a neutral grey background. Now the Testors car looks like the right call out for Testors Italian Red. See what you think. Be well my scalemate!
20 December 2014, 21:01

The testors itanlian red looks like some pink.maybe you can try mr.color(gunze) 158# italian red next time.
21 December 2014, 04:36

OK so compare the color sample
to the real car color
I say Testors wins!
21 December 2014, 23:50

wow,professional.but ferrari have lots of red.F40 uses rosso corsa fer 300/3/6/9/12 and you can see some informations in also you can see some diecast,for example,like this and the color professional information is here all in all,I think Gunze is better.
22 December 2014, 04:16

I will agree with you about a couple of points - different Ferrari's use different colors and Gunze Mr. Color is probably an excellent choice for painting the Ferrari models. My problem is that I have only ready access to Tamyia TS8 which is a lacquer see or Vallejo Model Air 71.085 see Item - VALLEJO AIRBRUSH PAINT MODEL AIR FERRARI RED 17ML 71 085 or the Testors Model Master previously mentioned. I consistently use the Model Master enamel paints for my models as a matter of preference. I think you and I have been jerking each others chain and I have enjoyed the exchange. I am going to try my wife's portable lighting studio with the blue background and see if it doesn't give a better color rendering. I will admit that the lighting on the counter with the green clothes did not show the car color very well, but was surprised that you still though it pinkish with the neutral gray in the slighting studio.
22 December 2014, 20:36

Shengsong Jin I see you are from Foshan . My daughter-in-law is Chinese and turns 30 today. My son, daughter in law and granddaughter live near Xian. She works for the power company and he teaches English as a volunteer in the public school and then has his own school on the weekends. I wish you all the best.
22 December 2014, 21:20

sometimes I use tamiya TS8 too,it's a very good choise too.most of time, I use nitrolacquer,like gunze and so on.they have better colors I the way,Foshan is near by Guangzhou,in southern China.Xian is far away from my city,it is north about 2,000 km I think.
24 December 2014, 03:17