IPMS-USA National Convention 2018
Build it!! Bring it!! Show it!!
Podrobnosti o události
- Jméno:
- IPMS-USA National Convention 2018
- Město:
- Phoenix
- Organizující klub:
- About:
- Greetings! The modelers of Arizona would like to invite you to join us for the 2018 IPMS/USA Nationals on August 1-4, 2018, in Phoenix, Arizona. The convention will be held in the Phoenix Convention Center located in the heart of Phoenix, the 5h largest city in the US. Our theme is Build It! Bring It!! Show It!!! In addition to having the largest model contest in the US and hosting the world’s largest traveling hobby shop, we’re going to place emphasis on the modelers in our society who are the basis of our organization, the heart of what we do – the individual modeler who builds models for the sake of building models, not competition. We all know that the National Contest is a large part of why we do our National Convention and that a significant number of our attendees come to compete in that contest. But not everyone does. In fact, the percentage of our entire society that competes in our shows, both locally, regionally, and nationally, is usually less than 20%. We want to see the work of the other 80%. To that end, we’re dedicating as much space as is necessary to display the work of those who just want to bring their models in and show them to the rest of us, without facing the prospect of having others judge their work. So, build your models, bring your models, show your models!
We also want to showcase our clubs to our visitors. As most of you know, IPMS/UK’s National Convention is very club oriented. We’ll have space available in our vendor room for clubs to set up displays and sit and tell people about your organization and your hobby. Contact our vendor coordinator to arrange for a table to be held for your club.
Come join us for four days of celebration of our hobby, look at literally thousands of models built by hundreds of modelers from around the US and a host of other countries. Talk to your club, arrange for a table, bring a display, and share with others what makes your club special. But most of all, come for the fun! See you in August! - Soutěž:
- Akce je soutěžní
- Vstupní poplatky:
- No info available
- Datum:
- 1-4 Srpen 2018
- Adresa:
- 100 N 3rd St
85004 Phoenix
2 kamarádi plánující tuto akci navštívit
V soutěži
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