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Gala Réal Côté 2018

IPMS Réal Côté

Podrobnosti o události

Gala Réal Côté 2018
Montreal CA
Organizující klub:
IPMS Réal Côté
Display your models and win awards!

Judges' Awards for Event Theme : Best of Show - Best ship - Best Figurine - Best Diorama - Best Armor -Best Plane - Best Vehicule

Special themes :
• Best Canadian Subject
• 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Project
• 80th Anniversary of the VW Bug
• 80th Anniversary of Air Canada

Public's Choice : Best of show

Masters' Awards : Modelers registered as « master » will compete against each other in each of the classes (planes, armor, auto, etc.).

New this Year: Masterclasses!

Ships and naval scale modeling technique 11:00 - 12:00; speaker: Xiao Yang

Just as a naval vessel demonstrates her nation's strength, a ship model reflects a modeler's skill, determination and passion. In this panel, a rewarded modeler will guide his audience in constructing a prize winning scale boat.

Topics will include: Resources gathering, photo etch use, painting, rigging and weathering.

Followed by a Q&A period.

Fantasy Figure painting and Creative thinking from a female perspective 13:30 - 14:30; speaker: Laurie Norman

Tanks not your style? Dragons more to your liking? Then please join Laurie on a journey through the realms of fantasy. Discover that modeling is not just military, vehicules and rules. Explore how it is also about creativity, imagination and fun!
Special invitation to Ladies and kids.

Topics will include: Getting started, Thinking outside of the Box, The Art of Illusion, The eyes have it. Followed by a Q&A period.
Akce je soutěžní
Vstupní poplatky:
General Admission 5 $
Kids, Teens, Seniors 2 $
Participants 6 $
Model Registration 2 $
junior Model Registration 1 $


12. Květen 2018
Otevírací doba:
08:00 Registration begins
09:00 Judging begins
10:00 Show opens for public
12:00 End of registration
12:30 Silent Auction Winners Annouced
13:30 Awards presentation
16:00 End of Event


6755, 36e Avenue
H1T 2Z9 Montreal
Možnosti parkování:


1 kamarádi plánující tuto akci navštívit



Dan N Armuria

V soutěži

Dan N Armuria

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66 obrázky
Gala Réal Côté 2018View album, image #1

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Dan N
will attend
Gala Réal Côté 2018 in Montreal
Gala Réal Côté 2018
CA Montreal
12. Květen 2018
6 September 2018, 22:28
Dan N
will attend
Gala Réal Côté 2018 in Montreal
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CA Montreal
12. Květen 2018
6 September 2018, 22:27