IDF Tank Crew
MiniArt | No. 37076 | 1:35

- Značka:
- MiniArt
- Název:
- IDF Tank Crew
- Číslo:
- 37076
- Měřítko:
- 1:35
- Typ:
- Postava
- Vydáno:
- 2020 Nová forma
- čárový kód:
- 4820183313706 (EAN)
- Téma:
- Israeli soldiers (Modern) » Lidé (moderní) (Lidé)
Boxart navrhl Andrey Karashchuk
Internetové obchody

USD 13.68

USD 14.24

USD 15.19

USD 15.49

USD 18.89

USD 19.16

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Alternativní SKU pro MiniArt 37076:
MA37076 | MIA37076 | 550037076 | MI37076 | MN37076 | NIART37076
Poznámka: Ceny a dostupnost jsou pouze orientační. Zkontrolujte také, zda se produkt skutečně shoduje!
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I can cheerfully admit to no direct experience of IDF personnel, their ways and fancies, or their equipment; but I can't imagine that a high ponytail is very comfortable under a helmet. Perhaps her smile/grimace is relief at taking the damned thing off!
11 April 2019, 07:43
49 obrázky
Israeli M247 DIVAD what-if
The commander is a figure from MiniArt, straight from the box except that I added a headphone lead and microphone to his...
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