Tiger I Ausf. E
German Heavy Tank (Early production)
Zvezda | No. 3646 | 1:35

- Značka:
- Zvezda
- Název:
- Tiger I Ausf. E German Heavy Tank (Early production)
- Číslo:
- 3646
- Měřítko:
- 1:35
- Typ:
- Kompletní model
- Vydáno:
- 2012 Nová forma
- čárový kód:
- 4600327036469 (EAN)
- Téma:
- Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I » Tanky (Vozidla)
Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I
Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I
Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)
- s.Pz.Abt. 503 332
červenec 1943 World War 2»Operation Zitadelle - Kursk
RAL7028 Dark Yellow - s.Pz.Abt. 505 114
červenec 1943 World War 2»Operation Zitadelle - Kursk
RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL8017 Red Brown
Časová osa produktu
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USD 39.88

USD 49.58

€ 30.82

€ 35.10

€ 37.19

£ 37.39

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Soukromý obchod a swap
Alternativní SKU pro Zvezda 3646:
ZV3646 | 923646 | ZVE3646 | ZVE03646 | 4600327036469 | Z3646
Poznámka: Ceny a dostupnost jsou pouze orientační. Zkontrolujte také, zda se produkt skutečně shoduje!
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i built the zvezda early tiger 1 the kit in itself , had some serious issues , which troubled me at first , but the side skirts did fortunately hide the problem so that was a relief , the turrett has a nice interior , really enjoyed it , the lower hull was relative easy to say ( liked the pre molded feifel ) , the only pain in the ass are the tracks , with the seperate pins to be glued , but it went relatively smooth , then the decals , wanted to make her in the 114 but i found out the decals were crackled and not useable 🙁 .. i had some 411 decals from a panther left so took these to make the 114 ... all by all , a cheap kit , with some serious issues , but all in all , i must honoustly admit ... it was in a way a fun kit .... will post in the next day some pictures , i give it a 70 out of 100
3 September 2015, 15:14
4 obrázky
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