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Diorama Dude
přidal nové fotoalbum.
81 27 February 2024, 23:02
Dietmar Bogatzki
Thanks for the idea and great build so far
 28 February 2024, 07:08
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Dietmar Bogatzki for your comment. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest on this build. I posted a few new images about the progess.
 7 March 2024, 22:18
Nathan Dempsey
Following 👀 I want to see the progress on this one.
 7 March 2024, 22:58
Diorama Dude Autor
I added a few new images about the progress and i thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest.
 16 March 2024, 23:00
Remco van Haren
That looks promising. Following!
 16 March 2024, 23:26
Gary Kitchen
Taking a seat here. Looking very interesting so far.
 17 March 2024, 08:23
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Nathan Dempsey, Remco van Haren and Gary Kitchen for your comment and following. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest. I added a few new images about the progress on this build.
 26 March 2024, 00:05
Jens J.
Rotor blades will not break apart in large pieces like that. Also, all four main rotor blades would be damaged due to the rotor spinning upon impact.
 18 April 2024, 21:47
Diorama Dude Autor
I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest in the last weeks on this build. I added a few new layout images about the progress.
 18 April 2024, 21:47
Diorama Dude Autor
@ Jens J.: I thank you for your comment. That is not the final diorama. I do not risk to destroy the original rotor during this build. The main rotor and the tail rotor are placeholder, they are not fixed on the helicopter. The broken parts also placeholder.
 18 April 2024, 22:47
Bob Hall
Very good lay out, I remember when that happened and was all set to deploy there, but the administration at the time decided to run away with their tail between their legs.
 18 April 2024, 23:21
John Ballman
Wow, very ambitious project here. Thanks for sharing your vision.
 19 April 2024, 03:49
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Bob Hall and John Ballman for your Comment and your Interest.
 20 April 2024, 21:38
Cristian A
what a beautiful project!
 21 April 2024, 13:07
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Cristian for your Comment and your Interest. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest on this build.
 27 April 2024, 21:28
Mark de Boer
Looks amazing. Well done, very beautifull job.
 27 April 2024, 21:36
Bob Hall
I was planning to do a a little dio as a tribute to Gordon and Shugart, the CMH receipts.

1  27 April 2024, 22:36
Diorama Dude Autor
@ Bob Hall: Interesting project! A tribute for two american heros. MSG Gary Gordon and SFC Randy Shugart, the two Delta Force sniper they volunteere to secure the crash site of Super Six Four. They give her life to defending the surviving crew. Both posthumously awarded with the Metal of Honor and Purple Heart for their actions.
 28 April 2024, 21:01
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Mark de Boer for your Comment and your Interest on this build. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest. I added a few new images about the progress in the last weeks.
 11 May 2024, 21:14
Mr James
What a great scene. The Coke sign is superbly done.
 11 May 2024, 22:22
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Mr James for your Comment and your Interest on this project.
 12 May 2024, 21:23
Diorama Dude Autor
Diorama "Crashsite Super Six One" is finished.
 24 May 2024, 21:27
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 25 May 2024, 06:11
Remarkable dio!
 25 May 2024, 08:30
Guy Rump
Great dio, congrats! 👍
 25 May 2024, 12:33
Nathan Dempsey
A great finish. So much action to see 🙂
 25 May 2024, 14:05
Bob Hall
This is epic-ally awesome !
 25 May 2024, 15:03
Audrius N
Hell of a work you did. Great result!
 25 May 2024, 16:57
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Villiers de Vos, gorby, Guy Rump, Nathan Dempsey, Bob Hall and Audrius N for your Comment and your Interest. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest on this build.
 26 May 2024, 21:09
Diorama Dude Autor
@ Bob Hall: Thank you for the interesting video with Norm Hooten. I visit 2015 the "Battle of Mogadishu" Exhibit in the US Army Airborne & Special Operations Museum (A SOM). I added a few images from the Exhibit to the album.
 1 June 2024, 21:52
Boy, you can really see the frenetic gunfight going on. This Dio really captures the essence of that hellish day. Well done!
 4 June 2024, 05:11
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you CaptGPF for your Comment and your Interest. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest.
 8 June 2024, 21:52
Paul Eden
Fabulous diorama, incredible work
 9 August 2024, 06:56
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Paul Eden for your Comment and your Interest.
 25 August 2024, 20:52

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