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189 1 May 2024, 11:47

Impressive start! I'm really looking forward to the following photos.
7 May 2024, 20:38

Picture 8 : I screw up riveting on the second wing. 😅 I was thinking that doubling the number of rivet lines was a good idea on this part of the wing, turned out it wasn't...
I used Tamiya Surfacer to cover everything and start again
8 May 2024, 17:37

Thanks for the explanation. I thought maybe you were implementing some hight end stressed skin technique 🙂. Amazing work all around 👍
9 May 2024, 12:09

A real pain doing the riveting but so satisfying once it's done. Lovely work Romain.
6 June 2024, 06:54

Thank you all for your interest ! This is my first attempt on riveting an all airplane, I wouldn't say it was painful, but rather a looong and sometime tiring job. Overall I really enjoyed the experience and the satisfation when highlighting the rivets with a black wash 👌
6 June 2024, 07:38

Very nice work, so far. Riveting looks perfect 👍 I´ve just ordered a new release of Edugawa F/G Marauder, so i will look for some inspiration here.
14 June 2024, 18:49

Thanks ! Yes, this new release of the F/G version is great news for all Marauder fan 👌
29 June 2024, 17:04

Thanks guys, glad to finally paint something after all this preliminary work !
16 July 2024, 14:35

I'm in, can't wait to see the finished kit. Great job on the interior.
4 August 2024, 15:52

my respect for somebody who can do a complete riveting of a plane... and you said it was your first? how, that looks truly amazing! beautiful cockpit too!
14 September 2024, 22:17

Thank you all ! Yes first time, pretty happy with the result. I received good advices from my French "Sensei" Julien Haccoun 🙏
15 September 2024, 10:15

Totally echo Roberts's comments. Awesome work so far on this build Romain.
16 October 2024, 07:31

wow that's amazing how on earth did you get the finish so good
16 October 2024, 10:27

Many thanks everyone ! It means a lot during this time consuming project. The finish is acheived by cleaning and polishing the model prior to paint stage. Then by using well diluted paint for thin and smooth coats of paint.
16 October 2024, 16:10

NMF finishes are more work, but so much more rewarding when done. Super metallics for me definitely the metals paints available.
17 October 2024, 06:25

Agree with Alex, the invasion stripes are sooowell done. Roman - how are the Mr Hobby metallics compared to the AK Xtreme metals?
17 October 2024, 10:54

Thanks mates 🙂
Mr. Hobby Super Metallic pros : much stronger during weathering steps. cons : dilution can be tricky, not much choices in shades.
AK pros : more variety of color , perfect pre dilution for airbrush, cons : very sensitive to solvant during weathering, high drying time.
17 October 2024, 11:13

Great build, I've been following it from the beginning. Impressive result and attention to details. It is an inspiration for my next model 👍
17 October 2024, 14:30

Absolutely love how this build is coming together. Love the paint work Romain.
31 October 2024, 07:15

At this point, I feel like most of us are just speechless, your work is really awe inspiring!
24 November 2024, 03:38

Tremendeous work and a extremely good result! What solvent do you use for manipulating the artist pen brushe colours?
24 November 2024, 07:41

Awesome work. The rivets alone enliven the model immensely and then the great paintwork and conclusive weathering. Very very beauftiful B-26 so far. 👍
24 November 2024, 08:17

@Clement, and I lack words to thank you all for your support on this long term project. Thanks again everyone ! 🙏
@Sven, I don't use any solvent, you can manipulate the ink fresh out of the pen. But if you still want to dilute or erase something, you can simply use tap water !
24 November 2024, 10:30

Incredible! I really like the weathering. This is always the best part. You can see how the model comes alive.
25 November 2024, 13:27

Phenomenal detailing. I can only hope to get this good years from now. Especially love all the chipping and weathering added that gives it a whole new level of realism.
7 December 2024, 20:43

What are you using for the long aerials? MGP????? and how did you do the insulators/connectors?
11 December 2024, 17:41

Cables are made with "hyper thin rigging" from AK (AKI-9135) , insulators are made with PVA glue diluted with a drop of water and a small brush
3 11 December 2024, 21:18

And thank you for following this step by step til the end ! I'm glad so much liked it.
Final pictures of the model should follow soon
2 12 December 2024, 12:29

Incredible details, watching the rigging with envy, still don't know how you mount it so clean, must be my eyesight or sth. 👍
13 December 2024, 09:35

WOW! That's about as good as it can possibly get. Modelling at its best.
14 December 2024, 17:34

Tonight, it's a wrap !
Thank you for your support all along this project which was the most ambitious I've ever done so far. I'm proud to present you the final picts, enjoy !
3 14 December 2024, 17:36

For an ambitious project, you made it seem effortless. Really nice end result. ( eye candy)
15 December 2024, 03:11

Great presentation of the process of construction, painting and weathering. Very inspirational. Lovely model!
15 December 2024, 21:12

Thank you for the thorough presentation of the process; I've learned so much. You created an impressive model! Superb!
16 December 2024, 10:10

Modeling at its best, truly. Thank you for sharing your secrets here 👍
1 16 December 2024, 14:27

This is what drives me to "up my game" on a fundamental level. Exceptional work all around!
1 16 December 2024, 18:37

Thank you so much for all these amazing messages. Franck, I'm glad to motivate you as much as I have been motivated by others in the past. This is what made me progress a lot 🙂 So the cycle continues !
1 16 December 2024, 21:06