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Damian Rigby (Aussiereg)

1951 Chevy Fleetline

Photo 1 of 62


19 15 August 2023, 09:59
 15 August 2023, 10:10
Frank Molnar
Love the color choice mate, I've got Nobels, never considered using it as a body color. Great stuff 👍
 3 September 2023, 07:22
Dominik Weitzer
very nice work. i know about the kit, you've done a great job.
I've build mine with a lot of work on windows, bumpers, interior and a deformed body.

the masking work for the chrome is excellent! a question about the SMS Hyperchrome". have you sealed it with clearcoat? how is the shiny result after it?
 4 September 2023, 08:04
Villiers de Vos
 4 September 2023, 19:08
Damian Rigby Autor
@Dominik Weitzer, the SMS Hyperchrome needs a water-based clear sealer, I use Alclad AquaGloss. It doesn't affect the chrome gloss at all. If you use a lacquer-based clear the Hyperchrome dulls off as it reactivates the paint.
 29 September 2023, 09:57
Dominik Weitzer
thanks Damian for responde. 😉
 6 October 2023, 11:11

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AMT kit in 1/25 scale

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