44" Eagle Transporter
Photo 1 of 131
23 26 February 2018, 21:51

Holy crap! I thought I was a Space:1999 fan...You sir are truly an Uber fan, and an engineering genius..What you have there is quite simply the finest example of model making I have seen compared to the actual studio models. ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR❗️My mind is truly blown?⁉️
21 April 2021, 01:29

That's amazing! So impressive model making in so big scale. But why you made two?
21 April 2021, 15:44

wow...thats imressive.
I always was a big fan of the Eagle. Thats really impressive. Respect!
22 April 2021, 14:11

Same! If I weren't so awful at model making, I'd ask for some blueprints and take a shot at it myself!
22 April 2021, 14:22

Thanks for all your comments guys - much appreciated. I made a second one because I sold the first to a good friend. I only got the two models together for a few days when he brought the first one back for a clean and some minor repairs. I'm making another one right now as I love the ship so much. I am lucky enough to know the owners of the original studio models so have got an immense library of reference photos and measurements to be able to recreate these, as well as buying some of the more complicated parts from other enthusiasts who make detailed copies - such as the command module on the front and the turned engine bells - but they take a few years each in hobby time as you will imagine.
25 April 2021, 09:26

You're The Man Chris! with all things Space: 1999! There is none more knowledgeable then you. Please, for Pete's sake, show some of your work and pass your knowledge on to us mere mortals ??
25 April 2021, 10:02

Oh, Great mage of the Eagles... show us your wisdom! The people cry out for blueprints and reference photos!
26 April 2021, 14:13

When I was a kid, I had a toy eagle that was about 4' long - seems similar size to this.
26 April 2021, 16:09

David - I have just uploaded a whole album of pics of the original studio Hawk model which will help any builders out there....
26 April 2021, 19:11
Album info
Scratchbuilt studio scale model in brass, aluminium, fibreglass, chemiwood, styrene & acrylic