I have actually built a diorama.
28 4 June 2019, 07:16

Chris. Yes I am they were less than $13 each with free shipping. I now have something to start a diorama. I plan on making a rich guy's muscle car collector garage instead of the usual service station.
5 June 2019, 01:20

Are you going to paint them up? Or are post lifts supposed to be blue?
5 June 2019, 04:00

Like Me, More kits than days left on earth to build them all ! LOL ! So why was precious days on import garbage, is my philosophy ! HAAAAA
5 June 2019, 04:01

Chris they used blue material when they were printed. I will very likely paint them when I get to my diorama. I haven't decided on colors yet.
5 June 2019, 14:12

With now 3 lifts and all the other stuff I'm going to need a bigger garage.
13 June 2019, 05:19

I don't know if you've chosen colors but Black with Yellow secondary colors would look pretty cool. I was look at jacks/lifts and I liked this combo. Yes I know they're nothing alike... I'm just talking the colors. [img1]
13 June 2019, 05:20

I do like the yellow arms. I may go with dark blue on the posts.
13 June 2019, 05:22

I got a guy that makes all kind of signs and posters and G scale garage accessories.
13 June 2019, 05:31

Curious... I've only worked with 1:24/25 models. What hobby uses G scale?
13 June 2019, 05:36

I think G scale is a train scale used for garden layouts.
Yep just checked an old book. 1/22.5 usually. Can vary.
16 June 2019, 09:56

You're going to have a pimped out garage aren't you!? And yeah, Ian Google says it's 1:22.5
18 June 2019, 00:22

Chris and Ian, Good to know. I will be watchful when selecting items so they don't seem odd.
18 June 2019, 03:35

Close enough. I put HO(1/87) with 1/72 & OO(1/76). Google makes my 30year library of useful books redundant grrr. Last resort as a matter of pride. Lol even my kids laugh at the Britannica.
18 June 2019, 08:06

Ebay.com Item - Diorama 5 Coca Cola Cases Only display DANBURY MINT COKE black 1 24 scale other
27 June 2019, 18:30

Figured ya needed something stacked up by that ice machine ! LOL ! Me being from Texas, it all Dr Pepper my friend ! Ha !!!!
28 June 2019, 06:53

Ebay.com Item - Phoenix Tire Balancing Station Perfect 1 24 742305160712
29 June 2019, 19:23

That's a cool tool for a scale auto shop 🙂 It's amazing how much stuff is made for scale.
30 June 2019, 01:54

Anything I should be keeping an eye out for, your looking for, for you garage ?
30 June 2019, 02:22

Ebay.com Item - Tamiya 1 24 Sports Car Series No 266 Rally Mechanics set plastic model 2426
30 June 2019, 06:34

Ebay.com Item - 1 24 Garage Tool Series No 2 Tool trackable shipping
30 June 2019, 06:52

Bob and Chris, thanks for the offers. What I need is the actual garage. I think I am going to get some 1/4" foamboard from Hobby Lobby. I think I will go for 4 bays as I have 3 lifts. But I am getting ahead of myself. I have 4 Chevelles, a Lowboy and an unstarted Freightliner to finish first.
30 June 2019, 07:26

You going for the home gearhead garage or a full service hot rod garage dio ?
30 June 2019, 08:01

A well equipped home hobby garage. It has to fit in my display case and be open enough to be photo studio. One thing I would need is a "Garage refrigerator" to put speed parts stickers (decals).
30 June 2019, 14:07

I finally found the refrigerator for my future diorama. Bonus...the door even opens. 🙂
27 October 2019, 06:38

Better have the doughnuts if you expect to have one of my police cars tuned up in your garage ! LOL !
27 October 2019, 07:01

Well it is official. I have started working on my diorama. I did as much painting as I could today. I ran out of clips on sticks. Since most of it is enamel I shouldn't touch anything until tomorrow. I also likely have more inventory that I can fit into a 4 bay shop. I have started a bin of bits to trade off.
10 April 2020, 22:32

Had the day off due to a sore back from overworking it on Saturday. Broke down and masked the 3D printed 4 post lifts for painting. I want all 3 lifts to be the same color so I am priming all the pieces white. They will eventually all be dark blue with some portions safety yellow. I also painted a few items that needed to be white. Unfortunately my pre-painted refrigerator did not go well so it is in the purple lake. I hope it survives.
13 April 2020, 23:20

Now that my Freightliner lowboy is done, time to put it to work delivering items for my next project.
23 April 2020, 01:11

That load doesn't look secure, I'm gonna need to see your CDL and Log Book !
23 April 2020, 01:13

Glad to have you Bozzer. This will be a learning experience for me.
23 April 2020, 06:52

I have been plugging away at painting and assembling my diorama items. I needed decals for them so, after many hours of searching for and manipulating files, I got them printed on decal paper.
2 May 2020, 06:11

Could not clear coat my decals because it is too humid. I did succeed in laying huge pieces of BMF without any wrinkles on the work benches though.
3 May 2020, 07:02

I have been away from my bench for over a week, Had to build my wife an elevated garden bed and build myself a subwoofer box for my work van. I managed to finish up my two long work benches today.
13 May 2020, 05:41

Thanks guys. I got to apply a few kit decals to some parts. I missed the opportunity to spray clear on the decals I printed. (The humidity is too high again.)
13 May 2020, 06:17

Any tips for working with this self adhesive metal foil? (I have this foil too and want to use it soon).
13 May 2020, 06:17

Yep, 1) Only use "Bare Metal Foil brand some other brands have way too thick adhesive. 2) Use a BRAND NEW blade to cut it. 3) Cut a bigger piece than you need. 4) Use a cotton swap to gently press it down from the center and work your way outward. 5) Use a round toothpick at an acute angle to work it into grooves. 6) Burnish/polish it with a cotton swab. 7) Brush Future clear over it (and your decals) to keep the edges down permanently.
13 May 2020, 07:36

I have been working on all the items for my diorama I finally have some items for viewing. My "containers" have a mix of home made and kit decals.
31 May 2020, 05:05

Thanks Tom. That load is about half of the trinkets for this build. I am so glad to have the benches. I didn't see any point in having them in a closed semi trailer.
1 June 2020, 05:22

FYI - I looked in your stash, I have the same 1963 Ford Galaxie kit. It comes with an option to have a spindle and rotor to simulate a removed wheel, would look good getting worked on in your garage.
4 June 2020, 05:18

Oh really? I do plan on building some more Fords. My cabinet is a bit GM and Mopar heavy.
4 June 2020, 07:04

Yeah, it's on one of the chrome trees, I checked my kit earlier to make sure.
4 June 2020, 07:11

Added some tools to the tool boxes and decals on the flammables locker.
6 June 2020, 05:11

That's an awesome collection of workshop accessories. Just need to make some realistic oily puddles for the floor and you're good to go.
6 June 2020, 06:09

Chris, Thanks. Chaz, no science, just fiction. Though Jay Leno's shop seems pretty clean.
6 June 2020, 21:55

Jay Leno's head bobbles so much, he might run into something if he didn't keep a clean garage 😛
All these trinkets and garage bits are awesome, it's going to be a cool Diorama!
7 June 2020, 04:22

Thanks Chris, I have done a rough mock up with most of the major pieces. It will be full and colorful.
7 June 2020, 05:04

I wanted to have some license plates to decorate the walls. I have been saving up some generic license plate decals (I usually make custom license plates for my builds). The other day I was in my garage and found some shiny, aluminum duct. I thought it would be great to combine them and make real aluminum plates in scale. I even rounded all the corners. If only I had a laser to make the holes...
8 June 2020, 05:53

Have you got a floor plan you can share or is it built as you go along ? Working ramps would look cool !!
8 June 2020, 22:15

A 0.3mm drill would give scale holes, or the tip of a new sharpie lightly applied would simulate the standard black bolt heads on those licence plates, you'd need to take a tape measure to your own car to get the standard locations.
8 June 2020, 22:34

Hmm, spent time in prison did we Bill? 🙂
Fantastic job. Can't believe you made so many!
8 June 2020, 23:13

Nigel, I do have a basic floor plan. I am just keeping everyone in suspense. Chaz, too much effort for something going to be in the background. Tom, Prison/jail never and not likely. And I wanted to make more, but ran out of decals. I kind of think I may not have enough. It is going to depend on how many traffic signs I place once my order for them arrives. I also have to figure out how to make a shop banner that looks like big plastic ones for sporting events.
9 June 2020, 03:21

Banner idea - painting/decals on vinyl ? Something like the wraps used for vehicles.
9 June 2020, 08:31

Cool to see that you included Belgian license plates... (PN-4273)
9 June 2020, 11:00

Bill, At a guess, I'd say the belgian plates came from either an Italeri Truck kit or a Revell European vehicle like the VWs
10 June 2020, 07:02

Chaz, The only thing in my stash that could meet that criteria is an unbuilt Italeri Peterbilt 377 that I borrowed the decals set to create artwork for my KW T600.
11 June 2020, 05:11

Detailed the shop equipment and scratch built a trough base for the lathe.
11 June 2020, 14:22

Thank you, Dominik. Nigel, not anytime soon. I have no practice and I like shiny new. I fix old worn out stuff on my job every day.
12 June 2020, 02:15

Wow! More and more parts, every time I come by, and Like Zach said, I love the details!! and all in shiny new condition 🙂 love it.
12 June 2020, 04:26

Thank you Zach and Chris, I am coming to the end of the trinkets. I am working on the floor and walls. I had to fabricate right angle joints to hold the walls to the floor. I even designed them to present a 1/25 scale cove base at the bottom of the wall. The 2nd coat of black was sprayed this evening. I hope to have some pics of the structure this weekend.
12 June 2020, 06:59

I bought a sheet of reflective traffic signs printed on a sheet of aluminum. I cut out the ones I plan on using. It had some generic street signs too but I think I will make my own of famous streets like Woodward Avenue and Mulholland Drive.
13 June 2020, 20:02

😄 ...aha....printed signes on reflective sheet. top!
perhaps i didn't red it, but did you use two bases or "only" one? in my opinion, all the stuff on one Base is overload. perhaps. it could be.
15 June 2020, 14:15

I am finally starting on the backdrop of my garage. I cut out the basic walls from 1/4" foamboard. I used a glue stick to apply the imitation white brick (paper) to the walls. The windows are 3D printed items from ebay that will get glazed. The floor will be multilayered: Clear plastic sheet from a $10 Walmart poster frame, checkerboard paper from Hobby Lobby, galvanized sheetmetal from Lowes and cardboard from the back of poster frame. After building most all of the trinkets in the previous pics I noticed that many of the items are very light and prone to fall over. I figured I could glue some mini magnets to the bottom of the items and use the metal floor for them to stick to. Now I can rearrange my items in the garage whenever I want because they aren't glued. As you can see by the 1/25 semi, It is decent sized. I am presently decoration the walls with signs and license plates.
16 June 2020, 05:33

Bill, on the 2nd / 3rd Picture is only one set from the Garage& tool shop to see. Thats why i thought, that with all stuf you build the space could be too small.
With your last update, you answered my Question 😄
16 June 2020, 14:30

Yup, that's plenty big for all the gear you have. Are you going to put a side door in there? It's going to look great.
16 June 2020, 21:18

Dominik, I see where you were coming from. You were correct. WAY too much stuff for that little space. It would look more like a storage unit lol.
17 June 2020, 02:32

Chaz, I am not likely to have a side door. The long red work benches pretty much cover up the full length of both side walls. Thank you for your idea though. If I ever build a front for it, It will have a man door in that.
17 June 2020, 02:36

Would be pretty cool to have a working inspection light with an LED in it, plugged into the wall
17 June 2020, 11:06

Don't forget a phone, and a laptop! All shops have those! Or pre-date to a desktop? There's always a clock on the wall too! And a washroom? Just giving you some insight Bill.
17 June 2020, 16:17

There are a range of 1/24 Glamour poster Decals available too..... Just Sayin.
Also looking forward to seeing a 1/24 chip buttie half eaten
17 June 2020, 17:24

Nigel, lighting yes. I have 10 scale lighting fixtures and a roll of warm white SMD LED strips. Chaz, I like the idea of a drop light. I already have the materials on hand to build many drop lights. Bozzer, I have a phone and I have been eyeing a scale laptop on ebay. Just haven't pulled the trigger. I like the clock idea. Washroom not likely as I do not have the real estate to give up for one. Chaz, posters probably not but maybe a calendar. Food maybe but I will need some people first. Thanks everyone for the input. 🙂
18 June 2020, 03:15

Added pic of lifts and benches in a quicky mock up. There is a realistic amount of space between the cars.
20 June 2020, 05:21

Detailed up a few more items. Added an argon tank to the Miller TIG welder and attached hoses to it. Fabricated some colored hoses and attached them to the oxy-acetylene regulators. I didn't like how the flammables locker sat directly on the floor so I gave it a cove base. I also attached the spare argon tank with removable safety chain.
3 July 2020, 18:23

Thanks Chris. The decals were fun. Getting the tubing to stay put was quite a challenge.
4 July 2020, 07:12

After a severe case of mission creep, I finally got the back wall done. I gave it the works. White brick walls, windows with glass and a scenic background. I started with just license plates, but then added road signs, street signs, auto manufacturer signs (all of which are on sheet aluminum) and finally a shop name. Comments are welcome.
18 July 2020, 03:23

There are a lot of windows. Are you planning to build a part of the ceiling? Then you could hang the sign of the shop name above the interior😉
18 July 2020, 07:11

I made myself a wall clock for my living room using a Chevy Hub cap. Could you replicate something in 1/25 for your wall ?
18 July 2020, 07:44

Christian, I plan on doing a mostly transparent ceiling. I will have 8-10 working light fixtures when I get to that part. Unfortunately, I do not presently have the space for an additional shop sign. I built the whole thing to maximize the space of one shelf in my display case.
18 July 2020, 22:32

Nigel, I like the clock suggestion. I may look into adding one.
18 July 2020, 22:49

If you're doing a clock, an old Quartz analog wrist watch would provide a working mechanism that just needs a face. (and some real careful work to put the hands back on.
19 July 2020, 10:32

Bill, the cheap battery powered analogy wrist watches are really simply put together. You'd just need to pop the back off, remove the adjuster knob, or dremel out a slot in the case for it to slide out of, then carefully pull the hands off with tweezers. Make your faceplate with a hole in the middle, then push the hands back on. Alternatively, find one in a market with a face that would work as a wall clock, and grind off the strap brackets, bit of filler and paint - wall clock.
20 July 2020, 00:48

Finally got around to attaching mini magnets to the tip over prone items. With the hidden metal floor the work great! The two post lift is much more stable and the towers stand up straighter too.
27 July 2020, 05:59

Did you have a dumpster ?
Ebay.com Item - Dumpster model 1 24 1 25 scale
29 July 2020, 22:30

Bob, No I do not. That one is nice. Unfortunately my limited display space means only inside shop items at this time. I did paint and mount the hood you sent me last night. I'll try to post pics later this evening.
29 July 2020, 23:58

Sweet ! I save that seller, he has mad crazy cool stuff at reasonable prices and free shipping on most stuff ! Looking forward to your "Grand Opening" !
30 July 2020, 01:59

Thanks Bob. I bought my 4 post lifts from him early on in the project. Just took a pic of the left side wall with the Mustang hood.
30 July 2020, 05:26

Bill, is the blue hood on the wall from a Camaro? as I have the same for my Subaru build
30 July 2020, 23:18

Bill, I don't want to kick you in the spuds, but I've noticed a flaw in your amazing work. There's no power points! Normally, in a shop environment like that, they'd come down the walls in a galvanized tube, about an inch diameter. You'd have to check height yourself, because our Brit regulations are different from yours. And you might want to add an emergency stop button too? Other than that, amazing details buddy 👍
31 July 2020, 13:57

Bozzer, there's three double US outlets on the back of the workbench.
31 July 2020, 19:27

Bozzer, I agree. But I have invested enough time into it already. Chaz has noted the outlets on the back wall of the bench. Anyway, I am itching to get back to building cars and trucks. PS my compressor and 3 airbrushes came today.
1 August 2020, 03:31

Got the right side wall decorated this evening. The yellow Chevelle hood is just a placeholder until I paint up a permanent replacement. Should be able to assemble and set up everything for pics tomorrow. I still have to do the LED lighting but I am no rush.
1 August 2020, 03:39

Bill I've just noticed the row of product boxes on the bench. they look brilliant.
1 August 2020, 18:56

Added some magnets to the flam locker and RC machine. Added sheet metal to tire rack so the gas cans and oil pails stay put. I still have a laptop to detail and a bench grinder to fabricate. Some day I'll work on the lighting.
16 August 2020, 01:29

My friend Tim (who has a LOT of dioramas) came today bearing gifts. He gave me a super nice SnapOn tool box and a tool cart to add to my diorama. I had him come over so we could both learn how to airbrush for the first time.
23 August 2020, 00:57

Looking real good. I did get to thinking though, someone with a workshop that well equipped is going to have a lot of Buddies hanging out, they're going to need somewhere to sit while they have a beer with you. Think a Bench Seat couch is in order. I'll bet you have a body shell or two in your spares box that you could make a front or rear end couch out of.
23 August 2020, 01:05

Chaz, I agree with you. My problem is I have more contents than space now. I have even gone from 4 bays to just 3. I have also given away some of my extra items. I would not mind growing it if I had more display space, but I do not (yet).
23 August 2020, 01:43

How about an upper story as a man cave ? You could have car derived furniture, TV etc....
23 August 2020, 06:15

Nigel, I thought of that but again no display space and also moving away from my original intent which was a nice backdrop for photographing recently completed builds.
23 August 2020, 07:07

Its really simple bill, you need to move house so you can appease the vicarious build desires of your mates.
23 August 2020, 09:22

Have you guys been talking to my wife? She wants a bigger house too!. I wouldn't mind so much except it would have a bigger house payment to go with it. (Less money for modeling) 🙁
24 August 2020, 01:05

I want to live in a warehouse just like Dan Tanna & fill it full of mechanical man shit & old toys 😄
25 August 2020, 08:38

Munky, the warehouse apartment is a great idea in the USA, particularly in southern California. It is a frightening idea in the UK, You'd have to be a multi-millionaire just to be able to pay the heating bill
25 August 2020, 09:43

Haha! Funnily enough mate I just crawled out of the garage after a day tearing down the motor out of my Challenger.......... if I had a bed in there I might have stayed put 😄
25 August 2020, 21:40

That dio is looking better every day Bill 👍
That's the beauty of a dio........ constant detail changes, it just keeps on giving 😉
25 August 2020, 21:43

Thank you all. The magnets work great. I can pick up the whole thing and transport it outdoors and back in with only a few items moving about. It will greatly save setup time if I ever get to go to a model show again.
25 August 2020, 23:52

Made a minor upgrade to the workshop. Took down the yellow Yenko hood with the carb fire damage and replaced it with a 49 Torino 428 Cobra Jet hood. Also added some more aluminum backed license plates.
9 December 2021, 04:43

Looks like a 69 Torino Hood ! Would love to see a 49 Torino, LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks Awesome as ever !
9 December 2021, 06:26

Been working on my 1:1 scale garage Diorama this last month, always been loads of licence plates and signs on the walls, now I can see them. Next up is getting some motorcycles and cars running...
2 January 2022, 13:17

A 2001 Yamaha XVS 650, 2003 Harley FLSTFI Fatboy, 1989 Harley FXRS, 2 1998 Ford Explorers and eventually a 1979 MGB GT. But once I get the first explorer running, I need to get some work done on daily Drivers, a 2007 Kia Sedona, a 2006 Jaguar X-Type Wagon and a 2004 Jaguar X-Type Sedan
3 January 2022, 12:21

Phenomenal! I thought it was real at first glance. Would love to do something similar with semi rigs, maybe a small truck stop but I'm not ready to start scratch building yet but well done!
6 January 2022, 02:07

Thank you Jarrett. I really enjoyed making it and actually having it too. If you do endeavor to make a truck stop. Be prepared to give up a lot of space.
6 January 2022, 03:24

Finally have a crew for my diorama. After spending probably 3 hours on ebay narrowing down the choices, I picked this batch of 9. I installed magnets in their feet to help them remain standing. Now I need to give them names.
30 November 2022, 05:27

Bob, I viewed a few characters that would fit in with a Fast and Furious crew. But these are the ones I felt were generic enough to be versatile for completed build scenes.
30 November 2022, 06:16

I think the crew is well positioned. But the girl on the right (in front of the toolbox) is looking for a mirror? 😄
30 November 2022, 11:21

Nigel, I really have not thought about it. Maybe the guy at the back bumper with the yellow shirt and jeans.
Hans, Given the opportunity, I would be up for that. 🙂
Spanjaard, My thoughts exactly.
Christian, Thanks, She is looking for the Turbo-gonkulator spanner wrench.
Neuling, Are you referring to the girls?
Tom, Thanks, I knew that people would be added at some point. Yesterday was the day.
1 December 2022, 03:55

Now we just need a SWAT team outside to bust-up this chop shop ! LOL 🤣🤣🤣
Just joking Bill, another fine masterpiece with superb final touches ! Oh and I have something for you too.
1 December 2022, 05:11

Bob, SWAT! But we BUILD here. We don't sell parts. 0)
Christian, That may be why she can't find it.
2 December 2022, 08:33
Album info
3 bay rich man's hobby garage. It was quite enjoyable to bring everything together. I went WAY over budget on this but I got a lot of cool stuff to fill it up.