218 8 May 2020, 13:13

Thanks Harry,
on the Italeri kit, the lines are in relief so i just sanded the entire model.
If you plan to build a MH-53J/M, i advise you to buy the fujimi kit ; it's far better
11 May 2020, 21:26

Thx Ronan! I'm only planning to build a MH-53E, but now I have seen, that this is a different kit. 😉
13 May 2020, 06:00

@Laurent :
Le cockpit est faux sur le italeri, les sponsons sont en deux parties ( pas pratique du tout), les supports de réservoirs externes sont trop courts et pas assez larges, le puits de train avant est trop long, la conception des parties vitrées du nez est nulle ( sur le Fujimi tu peux ouvrir les fenêtres latérales puisqu'elles sont séparées du reste des vitres frontales).... L'emplacement du rotor est ridicule sur le italeri, il manque des trappes de visite, des grilles d'aération....
13 May 2020, 08:40

merci , je connais pas le kit fujimi ...ça a l'air interessant en tout cas...
13 May 2020, 09:21

Nice project, the MH-53J is also waiting in my stash to get build. So I will follow and have a close look on your work, it sure will be a big inspiration.
13 May 2020, 15:46

There is still a FUJIMI MH-53 in my stash - of course I am following
2 June 2020, 16:57

There is a lot to do if you want to build an accurate model
I'm currently working on the interior structural arrangement😉
6 June 2020, 10:15

really really impressive detailing of the internal structure! looks super good
6 June 2020, 10:21

Fantastic work so far and a lot of details for me to remember when building mine some day.
16 June 2020, 14:12

Many thanks, mates😉
@Daniel : if you plan to make the interior structural arrangment like i do, you have to order lots of styrene strips ...
i'm currently building the roof of the aircraft, my work is stopped by lack of strips...
i have to wait for my order... but the project is really interesting, need patience and motivation 🙂
16 June 2020, 16:49

You may have just answered my question. I was going to ask: Do you bend strips or cut the curves out of thck sheet.
16 June 2020, 19:27

holy moly! Thats a really really superb built! That eye for detail remembers me to my brothers CH53 built couple years ago.
16 June 2020, 19:43

looking very good (I know it's an eufemism...). What material did you use for the grating in the vents (pic 20)?
18 June 2020, 13:34

amazing as always. and you did all the riveting again. what did you use?
18 June 2020, 14:48

Thanks, Spanjaard 👍
For the riveting i use a tool : Rosie the riveter from Petr Dousek
You can find it everywhere on the web, in various size : 1/72, 1/48, 1/32...
It's a very good tool😉
18 June 2020, 17:04

it got a "few" of them... but i have not put them to use yet... now I am sure it was the right choice 🙂
18 June 2020, 23:14

Astonishing! The work with the rivets is amazing. Also I like the detailling of the rotor (in German it's called Hauptrotorkopf). I love the detailling. Not to Mention, that it is 1/72 scale! I did the same in 1/48 and I know, how much work and research that means.
If I'd do such a built again, I'd add the engines and all the stuff I could get.
🙂 -> CH-53 GS - 85+12 / Fully detailled and lighted | Project by christian-w (1:48)
19 June 2020, 07:28

You my friend are a true detail maniac, really inspiring stuff 👍
24 June 2020, 14:54

Why use a factory kit when you just can rebuild one from styrene? 😄 I think you just used three or four kit parts in this one! 😉 Amazing amount of detail added and a joy to watch! 👍
25 June 2020, 15:29

Many thanks 👍
@Patrick : the blades of this kit are the old metal ones 👎
So, i bought the MH-53E kit and i will only take the main rotor blades 🙂
27 June 2020, 08:03

A scratch built model-within-model - and probably better one of the two... very cool & pleasure to watch! 👍
28 June 2020, 14:04

Many thanks, mates😉
I have to do all the dressing inside, the wires, the pipes, the different boxes and the electronic bay, but it's more fun than the structure
28 June 2020, 15:31

No stranger to using styrene strips are you. Looks like a lovely build - very clean work too! 🙂
28 June 2020, 16:27

Your skills astound me Ronan, especially since it is 1:72 scale. Very well done.
29 June 2020, 21:01

Another one of these where you should make two - one painted and one bare displaying all the super-clean & sharp scratch-work - a benchmark setter 👍
7 July 2020, 10:22

Many thanks, mates 👍
The starboard side is complete, i will start the port side soon
25 July 2020, 08:02

Well done, well done! I'm impressed About the Details because of the scale the kit is in.
30 July 2020, 06:31

wow! one day I hope to be like you; no wait, I'm 48....too late to get this good 🙂
7 August 2020, 11:58

Ah oui c'est plus clair 👍
J'utilise quatre feuilles de plastique d'épaisseur différentes, sinon j'ai presque tous les profilés evergreen.
J'ai utilisé trois sachets complets pour le plafond et les côtés intérieurs pour l'instant 😄
9 August 2020, 06:53

wow, oui cp carte plastique, demande à EVERGREEN de te sponsoriser LOL
9 August 2020, 08:08

What´s the progress here? And which camo are you going to paint your Pave Low?
So far it looks awesome!
19 August 2020, 17:21

Thanks for nice comments 👍
I will start the work again this week. it will be overall dark gray like my MH-60G😉
19 August 2020, 21:11

Merci les amis,
effectivement c'est beaucoup de travail et ce n'est pas fini😉
Le prochain sera tout fermé c'est clair 👍
20 August 2020, 16:08

oui oui car sinon ton stock de cp va fondre.....fait attention aux poids et aux trains ....
20 August 2020, 17:48

Fantastic work with the Evergreen and brass. I only got Italeri's MH-53E in my stash but I'm following your work intensely...
20 August 2020, 17:56

How will you proceed with the rotorblades? I still have an old MH-53E-rotor and reckon that the blades are a bit longer than the usual CH-53-blades...
22 August 2020, 09:03

I will use the blades of the MH-53E, but i will have to modify the blade root...
22 August 2020, 15:45

Salut, il va être bien détaillé cet intérieur😉 bravo pour le travail réalisé 🙂
30 August 2020, 16:14

Exquisite details and tour of craftsmanship - and your traditional highlight - the painting process - has not even started yet 🙂 👍
30 August 2020, 17:24

actually, I can't wait to start the paint job but i have to finish the cockpit before 🙂
30 August 2020, 17:31

Great! I will hopefully start my MH-53J, using the Airfix HH-53 as base, during the next week. Would love to give it such an extreme treatment like you do, but as a "fast food-modeller" I prefer doing *some* improvements and scratchbuilding, but try to get it done within weeks... 😉
30 August 2020, 18:49

What references are you using if i may ask? building a Revell kit and was wondering
31 August 2020, 06:05

My references are walkaround i Can find on the web like primeportal site. I spend a lot of time looking for pictures i need. I have a lot of own pictures too
31 August 2020, 07:59

Reason i ask is concerning pic 1 of your build where you have taken a few panels out of the doghouse That panel usually will stay in its place as its is the root of the panels above which are hinged...the smaller panel with the bulge folded outward and the panel above that (fault in the kit panel lines, which should run all the way over the top of the doghouse and split in the center) folded inward giving acces to the gearbox of the main reference is mostly this page which has tons of helpful pics of this particular model and as a bonus a few of the E model as well (
31 August 2020, 13:06

the bracket makes the link fail 😉
31 August 2020, 13:23

Wow! Those are nice references! Good thing to keep that site in my favorites. 👍
31 August 2020, 15:50

Ronan, do you happen to have pictures or descriptions of the position of the front minigun ammo-boxes? Or general any pictures of the minigun-installation? I´m already at that point of my building process (because I did not invest so much time and effort like you did... 😉 ).
12 September 2020, 09:14

Thanks a lot! So, to sum it up: Starport gunner has the ammo-box right (towards the aft of the aircraft) below the winch-panel. Port gunner has the ammo-box _most likely_ to his left (towards the aft of the aircraft) as well?
All miniguns don´t have plastic-tubes for the expanded cartridges, but a sort of plastic bag instead. Was this a feature that had been in use on older Paves as well? Or do you have pictures with the plastic tubes? I mostly found "tube-pictures" for the ramp-gun.
13 September 2020, 08:44

The plastic tubes are used only on the ramp because the empty cartridges fall outside.
For the front gunners , the empty cartriges fall into bags because you can't have lots of cartridges running on the cargo floor , it's too dangerous for the crew.
13 September 2020, 08:59

Yeah, fully understood. I just wondered because most pictures of miniguns in general show the plastic tubes, leading the empty cartridges outside. The outfit in the Pave Low reminds me of the SUU-11As in the AC-47 Spooky Gunship, which also had these plastic bags.
Maybe the angle from the cartridge ejector-opening to the "outside" would be too big for a tube?
13 September 2020, 09:25

How is your project coming along? Any new progress? I´m still working on the interiour details, mostly additional hardware and equipment. I´m not putting that much effort into the details of the inner ceiling and stuff...
13 September 2020, 10:23

I'm currently building the cockpit. It's almost complete, i will post New pix soon 🙂
It's a long way to build the entire inside , i hope that will ne nice when finished
13 September 2020, 10:30

Another question: The star-port-side door under the winch - I´m planning to add a Minigun there, but will the lower part of the door be closed or left off? What do your sources say? I´d say that on a SEA-bird, the door would be completely left off (for cooling and because you will definetely winch someone since you´re on a CSAR-mission), but on a 80ies Pave Low?
19 September 2020, 09:22

If you plan to add a minigun there, the lower door should be closed ( to protect the gunner from ground fire ) and the window open ( for firing ).
You can't use the minigun and the winch in the same time ;D
Look at pix n° 50
19 September 2020, 16:18

Awesome! Are you going to add guns? if yes, will you scratch-build them as well or do you use after-market products?
20 September 2020, 11:14

Just awesome Ronan. That is all I can say, your craftsmanship just blows me away.
21 September 2020, 23:44

I gotta say that any time I think of complaining about detailing anything in 1:48 I just look at one of Ronan's albums.
22 September 2020, 00:35

Splendid work, your signature combination of real detail and color technique is really unique - beautiful and instantly recognizable... 👍 Interior, Cockpit, Rotor base - all benchmark-setting works & craft! 👍
29 September 2020, 10:52

That rotor assembly is completely bonkers! Unbelievable in this scale! 🙂
29 September 2020, 17:38

Hajo : the cockpit is n'ot very funny ... 😉 Except if you like dark grey 😄
29 September 2020, 19:38

The cockpit is perfect example what can be done with a dark-grey/black interior 👍
(assuming the builder reached the master level already)
29 September 2020, 20:02

I think Ronan needs a hangar for his choppers. But then it will be a superdetailed one, that makes us all jealous 🙂
30 September 2020, 10:52

in 1:72 is simply insane for most us... but everyday normal for Ronan😉
17 October 2020, 21:40

It´s always a miracle what you do with painting techniques combined with your outstanding scratch works!
18 October 2020, 06:54

All praises and my deep and Honest admiration for your work and skills Ronan... 👍
18 October 2020, 15:41

Well, Ronan, you probably know this already, but you are setting the bar extremely high for this kit! This is some of the finest internal structure scratch building I have ever seen.
19 October 2020, 11:04

Many thanks again, mates
The problem with such a detailled aircraft is staying focused for months. When I started painting the interior I couldn't remember which reference pictures I used for the construction 😄
Now i can't wait to see it complete, but i have a lot to do before : port engine is open, the rotor is folded and the tail boom too ...
20 October 2020, 07:44

These skills are out of this world. Admit you are using alien technology😉 . Never seen something like this before. Absolutely adorable. I pray before you master.
20 October 2020, 16:02

With each step it becomes more exciting - absolutely state of the art !!!
20 October 2020, 16:35

Joining in late.
Very dedicated build - but all the detailing pays out already, looks incredible! 👍👍
23 October 2020, 17:55

Looks super realistic - a feast for the eyes to just look at all the details!
25 October 2020, 09:52

good ! made in RONAN , made in FRANCE , yeah
25 October 2020, 10:05

Cargo room looks really nice I think in photo 88. Inspiring stuff. 🙂
25 October 2020, 10:25

No, on the ground the guns are rarely connected.
And my model will have rotor and tail folded so my choice is " unconnected "😉
25 October 2020, 11:37

A w e s o m e! Man, that is sick. I know what work it is on 1/48. But in 1/72? Incredible built! Awesome Details.
26 October 2020, 05:34

That is all I can say, just awesome. A true masterpiece in the making.
26 October 2020, 16:00

I can only put the pictures on my big screen, collect my dropped jaw and shamefully hide in a corner of my apartment until I feel courageous enough to comfort eat a full bucket of ice cream....
.... and than weep again for an hour for my lack of model building talents....
😉 😄
27 October 2020, 03:55

Many of us know that feeling Partick😉
I have a special top-secret list of kits built by Ronan, which I have to avoid for some time now to avoid cognitive disonance 😄
27 October 2020, 08:36

Łukasz, well, I won't build one of these helicopters now, that's for sure.
27 October 2020, 09:51

It is hopeless, as Ronan is building all the available helicopter kits. He is the MASTER, we all will be humble followers
27 October 2020, 09:58

Sublime interior 👍 The artificial shading does wonder in 72-scale!
29 October 2020, 18:59

You sir are the master of 1:72 scale Heilo's. Your scratch building skills amaze me.
30 October 2020, 00:18

Wow, with the cockpit clear part and equipment mounted she became beautifully ugly. 👍
3 November 2020, 17:20

No problem
i try to post pics regularly because some peole are waiting for ...😉
11 November 2020, 17:34

In a way sad to paint it,leave it bare and show all the hours of detailing you have done.
14 November 2020, 17:43

I saw Bernhard Schrock doing a 53 in 1:48. If anyone could do it in that scale as proper as you do it in 1:72 I think it's him. Keep up the incredible work!!!
14 November 2020, 17:43

I just got this kit the other day. My father was a Dust Devil back during Nam and was on the CH-3 and the 53E as a flight mech. This looks like a ton of stuff to make it accurate or at least close. I may skip the interior and concentrate on the exterior when I get around to it.
14 November 2020, 17:55

Just beautiful Ronan, your attention to detail and scratch building skills are just astounding. My deepest respect sir.
15 November 2020, 18:30

Just when I thought this build couldn't get any more awesome....
18 November 2020, 00:55

I'm just curious Ronan. Do you have all the detail already planned out at the start or do you work them out as they come part by part and idea by idea?
18 November 2020, 19:17

@Ralf :
At the beginning, i jsut have a global idea of what i want to do : helo on wheels with rotor and tail folded.
Then i choose the paint scheme, after that i compare carefully the kit with the reality to see how big is the work to do... when i start the buid i take walkaround pictures one by one and modify part after part 🙂
18 November 2020, 22:08

Bravo ! plus le détaillage avance et plus je suis admiratif... Respect !
19 November 2020, 16:45

The start of the paint job looks great👍, it´s a complete different picture with the gray on it then the bare plastic.
26 November 2020, 13:46

I guess nobody had any clue when detailing would be finished and the painting would start. Now we know. Nonetheless speechless. There are no words to describe how awsome this build is. A league of its own!!!
26 November 2020, 17:51

Great progress and result Ronan! By the way: I'm stunt to see that our building philosophy is so different. I don't try to mount the small parts to the rest before painting because I know that half of them will break off...
26 November 2020, 19:17

yes Bernhard, you are right 🙂
my technique saves time but i have to be very delicate when i handle the kit...
nevertheless, i still have a lot of small parts to add ... 😄
26 November 2020, 20:44

@ Ralf : many thanks; now i know you like my technique, let's have a look to the port engine😉
26 November 2020, 20:49

We can all see how you do it, but trying to replicate this is another skill... Fantastic work, and not only on this model...
30 November 2020, 20:54

Many thanks, mates 👍
The decals setting is finished, the matt varnish is sprayed , the masks are removed😉
2 December 2020, 21:33

that is such a awesome and incredible clean and detailed 👍
2 December 2020, 21:47

That should be in a musuem somewhere, just beyond words Ronan. My hat is off to you.
3 December 2020, 00:23

génial ,fabuleux, du GRAND Ronan, well done....
3 December 2020, 16:17

Of course I like your technique not only because it spares time. Something I always prefer. But with my feeble skills I am lightyears away from your abilities. Hail to the sensei of scale modelling!!!
3 December 2020, 17:57

I hope some day you load up a tutorial on Youtube so that all those followers in this chat can not only imagine but realise how this all works !!!
3 December 2020, 18:45

Many thanks, mates 👍
today, i've finstalled the tail boom, and as Harry says : it starts to look like an MH-53J 😄
8 December 2020, 10:08

Many thanks all mates for nice comments 👍
The beast is finally finished
See you on the next project😉
10 December 2020, 13:55

Incredible build, you make us all blush while uploading ours here, Sir😉
10 December 2020, 14:02

OMG!!! this is amazing to see, that's 1 epic build 👍
That would do very well in a show, if there will be any time soon....
10 December 2020, 14:06

Quite simply nothing other than a fantastic build! It's been a joy to follow the build as the marvels have come to life with each new update.
10 December 2020, 14:12

A really first class build! I like the sinister look of the beast.
10 December 2020, 14:38

Amazing build Ronan. Seeing your builds are pure inspiration.
10 December 2020, 15:23

.............................................................................................. Superb !!!!!!! 🙂
10 December 2020, 17:46

This build definetly was the event of the year right on this very page! I gotta say a big thank you very much for entertaining us all over such a long time. The unreachable star among scalemodellbuilders that's what you are!!!
10 December 2020, 17:57

Love your work, also amazing ref photos looks like the ramp in Balad, Iraq.
10 December 2020, 18:51

I spent 15 Minutes to see all 194 pictures from the beginning up to the end and will probably do it again !!!
10 December 2020, 19:58

What the fold!😉 awesome work. Details, paintjob (especially the fine shading) just perfect 👍
11 December 2020, 07:13

Let me also express my deep respect for this performance! I can agree with every superlative already used: simply outstanding and brilliant!
11 December 2020, 11:12

The beast came out of the cave... And now what do I do with my MH-53?
Fantastic job. Congrats!
11 December 2020, 13:06

Many thanks, mates 👍
My next project will be something easy to build, without too many things to be cut or fold, a little fighter i think
11 December 2020, 14:26

Yeah Ronan, just like when PLASMO says that he shall add some extra details to a build...
11 December 2020, 14:46

Everything was said bevor, another stunning build from your bench. 👍
Found a lot suggestions for my own MH-53 project in your wip report.
11 December 2020, 17:07

Wow, what a Beast.
Amazing Detailwork, brilliant finish. Outstanding work.
13 December 2020, 19:29

mindblow, mindblow, mindblow, thats what I thought while watching you build this beast - did you count the hours? The result is worth any second you invested, doesnt get better than this 👍
13 December 2020, 21:31

Some of the finest, if not "the" in 72-scale... 👍 Following your work closely for over a year now and while it is all top notch and I really love your painting and shading style, I dare say you found a new level of realism in this one. Somehow it keeps all of your signature touches, but adds some grit & overall appearance that make it just a touch more looking like the original. Top job!
1 January 2021, 14:56

meilleurs voeux 2021...tu nous a fait une bête de concours là !!! GREAT and FABULOUS
2 January 2021, 13:07

Phenomenal build, very lifelike appearance and presentation - the dedication payed out greatly! 👍👍
6 February 2021, 16:29

Great to see this one, you've put a focus on just Every detail. To do this in this scale is amazing.
10 February 2021, 20:45

This is really inspirational stuff. 🙂 Really fun seeing something like this.
12 February 2021, 08:30

What a project! Can you please start a model kit company and provide the public with decent helicopter kits using your incredible craftsmanship and insight? Please?
5 February 2024, 13:49

@ Ludvig, imagine that I thought about it when I left the air force.
But a friend of mine who worked in this field told me that it wouldn't be profitable because the population of modelers who build helicopter models is too small...
I would have liked to create super detailed models of models that have never been released and will probably never be released except perhaps in 3D, there is so much to do 😉
5 February 2024, 17:23

Masterclass indeed 👍
I think with 3D, the possibilities are endless, especially as modelers are picking this skill up and making their creations accessible to others.
6 February 2024, 13:49