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Lawrence Landis (Naja281)

Continuation of a bad day

Photo 1 of 8


2 5 July 2023, 18:12
Dominik Weitzer
oh boy....now this will be hard to restart. i would throw it in a brakefluid bath "for decades" *lol* .
good luck! i hope, the body is useable after removing paint
 6 July 2023, 10:12
Lawrence Landis Autor
Well, I gave up on the sanding, and threw it in the Super Clean.
I know that people have good results using brake fluid.
Another modeler by the name of Donn Yost, who has a YouTube channel has been warning modelers against using brake fluid on the newer kits. He claims that the manufacturers are changing the chemistry of the plastics they use and he has had car bodies crack in half. He always used brake fluid for years. He had a bath with a couple of gallons of brake fluid. He posted a video on his channel Scale Model Techniques. Good channel to check out.
 6 July 2023, 12:16
I did use rustoleum 2 in one on a model
It sprayed on nice and smooth
After drying it was ruff
But it dident make as much damage as on yours
Hippy guy is a YouTube guy her uses it alot and gets great results
 7 July 2023, 09:26

Album info

I added this project file to show where I am on the 63 Impala Lowrider.
I wish the news was better, but it is what it is. I won't lie and tell you everything goes as planned.

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