Ferrari F1 1989 WIP
4 January 2019, 18:53

One Westmalle coming up! A La Chouffe for Greg. What would Mike want?
Primed the red parts in white to get a more shiny red later. At least that's the idea!
5 January 2019, 16:49

Morning here Marty, I'll have a flat white. F1 eh? Didn't know you had even a passing interest.
5 January 2019, 22:18

Morning Pete. I had to read your post twice. First time I thought you wanted a flat white F1 😄
May I present you a Hoegaarden White? You'll love it, just ask Lode.
I'd really like to do a JPS Lotus one day. I bought this Ferrari for practice as it was a cheapish offer. And I just like to build all topics. Come to think of it, I don't have some artillery 😉 or does a Wespe count?
6 January 2019, 00:14

Well, Martin, I'm going to assume you have no Coor's Light on hand so whatever is cold and wet will do. And the white primer is exactly the way I went with mine. Definitely allows the red to show it's stuff, imho.
6 January 2019, 01:41

Here you go Mike products0.imgix.driz..amp;fm=jpeg&q=20
I took a quick peek at yours and if mine is half as good, I'll be okay. I borrowed the white primer idea from Robert Hall and now you corroborated it. Can't be wrong 😉
6 January 2019, 09:26

I sprayed Vallejo Ferrari Red this morning. At first glance it looks way better than the red plastic 😄
6 January 2019, 17:11

Wow. That's looking hot all of a sudden. I was going to tease you that it's too pink, but there's no denying that blaze of red.😉
7 January 2019, 22:36

I'm not DD2!
My paint is red and no excuses about camera pixels getting lost 😄
7 January 2019, 22:49

I couldn't possibly hate you Peter. Some other words come to mind though 😄
This kit is a fun build so far. Not too many pieces, decent sprues, good fit.
My first Hasegawa ever and it's Tamiya like in quality. Tamiya of the 90's that is.
Lode, thanks you!
8 January 2019, 15:01

Brush painted all the little bits and pieces. Next is assembly/varnish then decalling and final steps
10 January 2019, 20:25

What the heck, I missed this. Looking good. Decals are going to be fun.
10 January 2019, 22:48

Found some time for assembly of this baby.
I managed to break 3! parts of the rear suspension. There must be a better way to connect those rods, other than press and snap to fit?
The bonnet has some fit issues as well. Not yet sure what the problem is though. It might be that the engine is a bit too high
24 January 2019, 16:04

Clutz! There maybe a need to scratch some parts out of metal rod Marty?
24 January 2019, 20:46

It was the tiny piece atop the wheel assembly. I fear it isn't easily replaced.
24 January 2019, 21:44

Taming of the beast!
Glued the hood to the rest of the body. Getting closer to the end. A bit of gloss, some decalling, some more gloss and a couple of wheels.
27 January 2019, 21:39

Wow, this one is taking shape as well. I'm not sure which I like better, this one or the Supra. Luckily I don't have to choose!
27 January 2019, 23:28

You don't have to choose Greg!
It looks like the nose is a teeny weeny bit lighter than the hood 🙁
Not sure if i want to take the risk of adding an extra layer with all those hard to mask parts around it.
28 January 2019, 06:34

Thanks Spanjaard & bonsoir Laurent.
Put the decals on the car. Need a few more on the rims and tires, but not now.
Few issues; decals do not conform as nicely as the ones on my Supra 🙁 Size does matter, one or two are a bit too large to fit. The glue holding the hood cracked, need some repairs. The rear spoiler is tilted backwards. And last and certainly not least, my Ferrari is a couple of shades of red 🙁
29 January 2019, 20:55

Eh, it looks great to me! (Of course I know what you mean. We see all the "mistakes" in our builds. Onward and upward!)
29 January 2019, 21:40

Great model of a beautiful car. The F1 cars 0f the late 80s and early 90s were wonderful.
30 January 2019, 18:48

Merci mes amis!
The tires had a nasty seam line on them. I spent half an hour sanding 1 front tire and quickly grew tired of the chore. I tried to fit a sanding wheel from my proxxon inside a rear tire and it worked. Sanded 1 tire in less than 2 minutes.
3 February 2019, 21:42

Put the decals on the tires. They were very fragile and hard to get right. Could have been better 🙁
Also sprayed the final coat on the car.
3 March 2019, 12:22

Wheels on, window on. Only the nasty crack on her left side to fix
3 March 2019, 18:48

Fabulous build. Now I want to do a formula one build! Sheesh. What happened with the crack on the left side? Did the glue come undone? I see the decal span the crack so guessing the seam just popped?
4 March 2019, 16:34

Thanks guys.
Tom, the join just failed. Couldn't get it closed up again without destroying some paint and decals. Something is putting tension on it, and I can't get it any better without killing her. This was my first F1 build. There might be another in a distant future….
Better pictures of the completed car can be found here: Ferrari F1 1989 Completed | Album by Mahoo76 (1:24)
4 March 2019, 18:53
Album info
I'm making this a duo build with the Castrol Nissan Supra