Lockheed YF-12, Article 1001
Photo 1 of 85
154 21 June 2021, 21:27

Started this beast! No rescribing, not too much aftermarket, just build this awesome piece of machinery! It will look impressive as it is. Not sure if it will be a all black of black/titanium machine. But a NASA machine is likely..
21 June 2021, 21:47

Welcome mates. The YF-12 fits quite nice for a kit which is only 2 years older than me. Only when there is some putty needed it is a lot since it's a big model!
30 June 2021, 21:01

It is David. Still have no idea were to put it when finished.. My display cabinets are definitely to small.. 😄
4 July 2021, 20:02

They are, I have an SR-71 built, one of these... and 3 more SR's... I am mad
8 July 2021, 20:23

Wow, I will certainly follow this build. Great work so far, Erik! 👍
14 July 2021, 09:55

Great work so far. I built the Testors' version back in the 80s then I was a kid and I remember the fit being pretty bad. Perhaps that was on purpose because the full scale aircraft had gaps too and when on the ground and cold it would leak fuel. Only when at altitude and speed did the airframe warm up and seal everything shut. Looking forward to seeing how you weather the black paint scheme.
15 July 2021, 00:26

Welcome Nathan and John!
@John, yes this kit needs some filler here and there! But I must admit it is not as bad as I thought. It's a rough kit but very buildable. Indeed like the real one 🙂. Not much black on this one since I'm planned to build the titanium/black version of the YF-12. Although that brings another challenge with all the sanding! Natural metal finish needs smooth surfaces.
15 July 2021, 09:29

Much filler was needed. A spot on the fuselage a lot, maybe my fault. To much pressure when mating the fuselage halves. Will be a challenge too make it smooth enough for NMF!
Well, no modelling for a least 2 weeks now, will be off to France! Gulf of Biscay, here I come!
16 July 2021, 21:48

Have fun! Biarritz is nice this time of year, or at least it was some 20 years ago when I visited. Drink some nice French wine, enjoy the sea, get a tan and come back charged!
16 July 2021, 22:04

A milestone! The engines are attached to the fuselagewings bit. Off course with the usual bad fit!
7 August 2021, 15:17

Awesome and following.👍
I had the Italeri 1/48 SR-71 version when I was in my teens, and lost count of how many times I dry fit the fuselage components together. I sold it in the end as I figured I'd never get around to building it due to its size, and not having anywhere practical to display it.
I'm very curious about the new Revell release.
29 August 2021, 17:51

Welcome Jos, Daniel and James! Yes, James I know what you mean. Purchased this kit in the second half of 2020 and dry fitted the parts several times since then 😄. And since Revell was coming with a new tool SR-71 I thought it was a good moment to start the YF-12. A very basic kit I must say. I hope to finish it before November 27th. The date of Euro Scale Modelling, the Dutch IPMS nationals. I'm manning a table with some mates(Jos Jansen i.e.) there and this one would look good on the table.
29 August 2021, 19:13

Almost ready for some primer. Only have to add the pitot and little extra sanding here and there. I'll have to use the kit pitot tube since I noticed the SR-71 pitot I purchased from Master is way smaller, looks like the YF-12 had much bigger pitot tube. Also it's a pity the big fin under the centreline is folded in when the wheels are down, it looks cool when folded out!
19 October 2021, 13:43

Sanding in the garden looks pleasant. What a giant airplane, I had not realized how large it was. I look forward to seeing it finished, hope you make your date.
19 October 2021, 13:43

It is indeed a giant! I'm still wondering where to put him when he's finished...
19 October 2021, 13:54

Even when it's not finished on time I will take it with me, a nice table filler Spanjaard 🙂
19 October 2021, 17:32

It's a graybird now! A coat of Mr.Surfacer for a final check for seams etc. Some imperfections have to dealt with
30 October 2021, 18:13

Looking at this graybird I think it would look fantastic in the "Raptor-type" camo too with darker gray areas and shine... just a loose idea 😉
30 October 2021, 18:32

What a fast beast! A little late but in time for the Next major Parts. Looking forward to this!
30 October 2021, 18:32

Thanks for the interest mates!
@Michel, well this one will be more NMF rather than black. Definitely a challenge too.
3 November 2021, 18:58

Gotta move along with this one I guess.. The new Revell SR-71 has arrived, and approved by Kitty! Unfortunately it will reside underneath the Christmas tree for a while first 😫
9 December 2021, 20:30

The Blackbird behind the Black Cat. I see what you did there Erik 😉
9 December 2021, 20:47

Black Cat goes with a PBY 😉 Need a Raven or Crow with the SR-71… ☺️
9 December 2021, 21:03

The YF-12 is certainly the most beautiful creation out of the skunk works ! And you are certainly doing it justice. Pulling up a chair at the right time. Paint fun is about to start.
10 December 2021, 16:25

My Uncle actually was an engineer on this and many, many other projects. Seem you already have the pilot!
10 December 2021, 17:21

Started the masking for the "titanium" area's. Hope it will turn out okay and also hope I have enough titanium paint!
2 August 2022, 06:23

OK, here it is! LOL Late, but I am in sir! Has come along nicely.
3 August 2022, 18:44

Welcome Donald! Just sprayed some metal paint! Wonder how it looks like when the masking tape is removed. Will let it dry for a couple of days after removing the tape, then add more masking tape to give some panels different shades of "titanium". I've used AK extreme metal White Aluminium now, I found the titanium from Ak to brownish, the white alu looks better I think, it matches the photo more.
5 August 2022, 10:11

Welcome Donald!
Added some variation in "titanium" tints. Will add 1 add shade more I think.
8 August 2022, 21:11

looking really good. Subtle shades of the metallic paint. I am anxious about your further progress of The Thing.
10 August 2022, 07:13

Thanks David and Michael! I've added a extra shade of "titanium" on some panels. Seen different photo's of "934" and it depends on the angle you look but it seems quite ok now. Have sprayed a little bit of Gunze smoke on the panellines to give it a but of a used effect. Unfortunately the pitottube and the left vertical stabiliser have broken off already...!
11 August 2022, 09:51

Toned down the black a bit with dark grey. Next step, decals
15 August 2022, 21:53

getting better and better. The variation of the black really adds to it.
16 August 2022, 07:11

Thanks mates! Although I think the digital zoom of my iPhone doesn't do it justice.
16 August 2022, 07:47

Fantastic execution Erik... Looks absolutely superb 👏 and of course an interesting subject too! 👍
16 August 2022, 08:10

This build is quickly evolving into beast mode! Congratulations for your last update, it looks awesome!
16 August 2022, 13:47

Thanks Huma Neil Neulinh and Mathieu!! The pitot has broken off, glued it back on, requires some corrections
16 August 2022, 16:13

After a coat of Future it was time for some decals. I have used decals from Caracal models, amazing stuff. The titanium YF-12 lacked a lot decals compared to the black ones.
19 August 2022, 14:58

A+++-mazing result!!! Wow!! Congrats Erik! That thing is a real masterpiec 👍
19 August 2022, 17:55

Busy with the wheels, they are terrible. Balloon tyres! And the 2 front wheels are identical in size as the rear ones.. They must be replaced.
23 August 2022, 12:17

Luckily aftermarket stuff for this thing pops up on an almost daily base.
23 August 2022, 14:00

Indeed Michael, after Revell came with a SR-71 it exploded. Have ordered the Eduard ones, they are the cheapest.
23 August 2022, 14:07

The new wheels have arrived! Many times better than the wheels from the kit. Also, the front wheels have the correct diameter and width, in the kit they are 8 identical wheels. Need a set for my Revell SR-71 too I think 😄
26 August 2022, 14:19

The wheels in the new Revell kit are pretty good. I dont think there is a need for after market there.
26 August 2022, 18:01

They are worlds apart from the kit wheels Michael! Gave the MLG wheel a bit of colour, not sure about the hub colour but my reference s say red of green, so dark green it is.
1 September 2022, 21:19

I replaced the landing gear "axles" with brass tube, which on the kit parts was too thick for resin wheels. It also makes life easier for the struts of the main landing gear, now there is no need to pre-position 1 wheel between the two halves of the legs.
14 September 2022, 19:16

I'm late but still in time for the finishline - awesome choice of subject and a phantastic metal finish 👍 !
11 November 2022, 20:16

Matted the black and removed the canopy masks, nearing the finish line now 🥳
13 November 2022, 17:01

Erik - weathering looks fantastic. Looks like she just landed at Edwards after a high-speed test mission.
13 November 2022, 17:55

Wow. This beast is just looking the part. Great paint job. As John said. Looks as if just landed.
13 November 2022, 18:23

Thanks mates! Not the best picture, digital zoom/iPhone, but it looks so mean I had to upload it 😎
13 November 2022, 19:31

With a proper background it would have fooled me. Well done Erik!
14 November 2022, 18:34

Thanks mates, nice to get such a lot positive comments on such a bad picture! Hope you all still like it when I made some pictures of it with a proper camera 😉
14 November 2022, 21:30

Can only agree with others. If you had posed it in front of some desert mountains I would not have been able to tell it wasn't taken at Groom Lake in 1962.
18 November 2022, 15:14

Wowzers! Top notch sir! I need to get ahold of one of those again and actually build it this time. And you caught a detail I did not know until after I was finished. The refueling door is open when the plane is powered down for ease of maintenance. I did mine closed not knowing.
20 November 2022, 19:22

Excellent! Looks like the original. If you take pictures outside nobody will notice that it is a model. 🙂
20 November 2022, 19:40

Just wow. You hit the mark with this build. It was always clear to me that my SR-71 will be black if I ever build one. Looking at your spectacular build I am having second thoughts. A real showstopper.
20 November 2022, 22:24

Wow!!! Most awesome build I've seen in a while !! Congratulations on that excellent finish!
One question: are the parts for the YF-12 also included in SR boxing ? Can't find a sprue summary anywhere and I'd sell a kidney, or 2 to find F-12 parts.
21 November 2022, 08:39

Thanks for the overwhelming amount of reactions! You're too kind!
@Mathieu, as Augie said they are not included in the SR kit. This is the only one in 1/48.
21 November 2022, 14:24

an amazing job with the colors, simply wonderful, and then to realize the Italeri/Testor Kit as a basis so brilliantly, congratulations!!!
21 November 2022, 14:55

You have outclassed yourself again Erik, you shows us how to take modeling to the next level...👍!
25 November 2022, 14:56

Aaaaw, I feel so sorry I missed the actual build... Result looks sublime - love the panel-work and all - the metal actually looks like it went trough some serious heat 👍 - must look great in real life - I guess it puts a broad smile on your face every time you walk by! 🙂
14 March 2023, 19:07

Thanks mates! Yes Slavo this makes me quite happy seeing it at the wall! Must admit it's almost a 100% OOB build so it has a lot of inaccuracies and lacks some detail but is an impressive model as it is. Also in real life I like it more than in the pictures, the metal colors contrasts a lot less as they do on the pictures.
2 14 March 2023, 22:20