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Clifford Keesler (stormrider509)

Tornado GR-1 Operation Granby.


23 22 June 2021, 21:08
James C
You don't mess about... off to a great start 👍
 22 June 2021, 23:29
Nathan Dempsey
Oooh I'm in. I was just looking at mine so this will be good inspiration.
 23 June 2021, 00:24
Clifford Keesler Autor
I'm working on the intakes now, what an awful mess. I even watched numerous videos on You tube on how to build the damn thing. My intakes are still a mess, huge steps on the sides, I will be doing alot of sanding and re-scribing. It is worse than any Kitty Hawk kit I have ever tackled.
 23 June 2021, 18:33
Ooo watching.. its a bit of a monster but I know you can turn it into a peach 🙂
 23 June 2021, 19:25
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Already on the next project 👍 😄 Watching
 23 June 2021, 19:45
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Roland, Augie and WhiteGlint. @ Augie, I will not be defeated. I am trying to get as much done as I can before next Wendsday. I have to have surgery on my back, and I will be out of action for awhile. I have Melanoma and they say it has gone pretty deep into my left shoulder. I sure hope they can get it all and don't find any anywhere else.
 23 June 2021, 23:53
Crap Clifford!, fingers crossed m8 I am sure you'll be ok. The tonka is a beast to build but comes out good.. its worth it🙂
 24 June 2021, 00:06
Clifford Keesler Autor
I'm sure I will be ok, and I won't let the Tonka get to me. I only have 3 of the bloody things. Lol.
 24 June 2021, 00:08
I know the feeling, I have 1 to finish, 3 to do lol.
 24 June 2021, 00:38
Clifford Keesler Autor
I finally broke down and got me a Hasegawa F-4EJ. My stash of Hasegawa F-4's are rapidly over taking my collection of Monogram/Revell F-4's. I have never built a Hasegawa F-4, so it is funny that I have so many now, But they have been re-releasing them and they are fairly cheap now. Less than the Acadmey offerings and you can't get the Monogram/Revell kits anymore , except on E-Bay and they want crazy sums of money for them.
 24 June 2021, 01:37
James C
Same here, as I have two in the stash waiting to be built.
Hope to do at least one of them before Xmas.
Good luck with the back surgery and hope you have a speedy recovery 👍
 24 June 2021, 02:03
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much James.
 24 June 2021, 02:09
Clifford Keesler Autor
Brief update, intakes puttied, sanded and panel lines re-scribed.On with assembley.
 25 June 2021, 02:08
David Taylor
Hope they get it all Clifford.Watching your build.
 25 June 2021, 20:37
Nathan Dempsey
Hope your hospital visit goes well Clifford.
 25 June 2021, 21:43
Daniel Klink
Best wishes and good luck for your surgery Mate! 👍
Knock on wood 👍
 25 June 2021, 22:11
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much David, Nathan and Daniel. It helps to know you have friends that are pulling for you, even though you have never met in person. I consider all here on scalemates as my friends.

 25 June 2021, 23:32
David Taylor
As all us fiddlers shout all for one and one for all.
 26 June 2021, 08:28
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Roland and David.
 26 June 2021, 20:56
Clifford Keesler Autor
Almost have a complete airframe.
 26 June 2021, 21:06
Nice progress so far, definitely following for this plane. 👍
Also wish you all the best for the surgery and the recovery!
 27 June 2021, 09:59
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Alexander. It is almost ready for primer, hopefully I will get it primed tomorrow. I go into the hospital on Wend morning and my surgery will be that afternoon. Do not know how long it will be before I will be able to get back to the work bench. I figure a week or so at minimum. Hope to get in on the S-70 group build, I have quite a few.
 27 June 2021, 23:17
Konrad -
Coming in late here. Great work on this Toni Clifford awesome progress!
All the best for your surgery mate!
 29 June 2021, 04:28
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Konrad for your kind words and thoughts. I did not get it primed today, but all of the major assembly work is done, I now have c complete airframe ready for primer.
 29 June 2021, 22:35
Clifford Keesler Autor
Quick update. I survived my surgery and all went well. The doctor said she believes she got it all, will know for sure in a couple of weeks. I am doing well and hope to try and prime this beast tomorrow. Will see how well I can handel sitting at the bench for that long. I will be happy even if I can only get part of it primed. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayer's.
 2 July 2021, 17:46
James C
Good to hear Clifford 👍
 2 July 2021, 18:14
Konrad -
Good to hear that Clifford 👍!!!
Looking forward to that one I Love this bird?!
I will do another Toni this year and I'm really looking forward to this build?.
 2 July 2021, 18:15
Glad to hear it Clifford 🙂 rest up a little then worry about paint, she'll wait
 2 July 2021, 18:31
Great work so far; looking forward to seeing the finished product. I missed out on the Desert Babe special edition from Eduard and so I picked up the same Revell kit as yours and plan on having a blast with the grimey RAF desert pink camo. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
 2 July 2021, 18:43
Nathan Dempsey
Great news Clifford. Rest up sir!
 2 July 2021, 19:46
Robin (WhiteGlint)
That's good to hear. Take it easy and get well soon. 👍
 2 July 2021, 20:31
David Taylor
Good to hear Hope your surgeon got it all.
 2 July 2021, 21:19
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you all very much for your kind words. It makes me feel good that you all care. I did feel strong enough today to do some work, and she is primed.
 3 July 2021, 20:13
Bruce Huxtable
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery, Clifford.
 3 July 2021, 20:41
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Bruce.
 6 July 2021, 00:36
Clifford Keesler Autor
I got the beast painted today. My Life Color desert pink went wonky, so I had to mix my own. Used Tamiya Desert yellow, Red brown and a touch of red and earth brown. It is not exact , but still looks good I think. I will get some pictures up soon. Model Master discontinued their Heilo Drab paint. Does anyone know who has an equivalent?
 7 July 2021, 02:38
that looks pretty damn good clifford 🙂
 9 July 2021, 01:44
Nathan Dempsey
The color looks good Clifford.
 9 July 2021, 03:10
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much Augie and Nathan. I feel much better about it now than I did before. I am starting to feel it will turn out better than I thought.
 9 July 2021, 03:21
Konrad -
Very nice Clifford! The colour comes out really nice👍!
 9 July 2021, 04:26
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Coming along nicely. 👍
 9 July 2021, 06:45
Definitely the right color, spot on paintwork so far. 👍
Hope your recovery progresses well!
 9 July 2021, 10:27
Arif Saeed
Looking good Clifford ?
 9 July 2021, 21:05
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you Konrad, WhiteGlint. Alexander and Arif. Your kind words are much appericated. @ Alexander, my recovery is coming along nicely, I am feeling well and healing well.
 10 July 2021, 20:57
James C
Good to hear mate, and nice job on the paint work 👍
 10 July 2021, 20:58
Clifford Keesler Autor
Thank you very much James. Decals are now in progress. Lot's of stencils.
 10 July 2021, 21:24
Looking good clifford, which tonka you doing? only reason I ask, is that alarm belle IIRC might not have had snoopy on the other side
 10 July 2021, 21:32
Clifford Keesler Autor
Yea, I messed up and put it on there before I realized that it did not go there. I guess I will have to paint over it, to correct my screw up.
 10 July 2021, 21:37
Well you could just do her your style 🙂 I did with my TSR
 10 July 2021, 22:45
Clifford Keesler Autor
I was thinking that, I kind of like Snoopy there. LOL.
 10 July 2021, 22:46
Clifford Keesler Autor
I will make sure the next one is right. I guess I will be building more of them, I only have markings for 11 different aircraft.
 10 July 2021, 22:48
lol plenty to choose from
 10 July 2021, 23:26
Clifford Keesler Autor
Yea, I had a hard time choosing which one to do this time. I knew I wanted the shark mouth, but did not want to do Mig Eater or Foxy Killer as those seem to be the one's every one builds, thus Alarm Belle. I have a 1/32 scale version or Mig Eater. I think the next one will be "Helen". The kit has kind of grown on me, after my initall problems. Actually no wore than Kitty Hawk.
 11 July 2021, 01:49
Yeah its an odd kit, over engineered in places, but I can understand why, they wanted to be able to use one set of molds for all versions.

Intakes were a bugger on mine too
 11 July 2021, 01:51
Clifford Keesler Autor
I think I have come up with a solution for the intakes. I finally got all the decals finished today. After they sit for a day, I will apply another clear coat, and start weathering it. I used Humbrol decal fix on it and it left a milky white film around the decals, but I think the clear coat will remove that. (I hope).
 11 July 2021, 22:59
Bruce Huxtable
I give the decals and surrounding area a wash, to remove dried on DecalFix, and that seems to be fine.
 12 July 2021, 07:19
Clifford Keesler Autor
I put a clear coat on today to seal the decals, and the film disappeared.
 12 July 2021, 23:52
David Taylor
I use decalfix all the time Clifford and have'nt had any bother.
 13 July 2021, 17:42
Clifford Keesler Autor
I do not know what happened, but the clear coat took it away.
 13 July 2021, 20:17
Nathan Dempsey
I've had it happen on occasion. I think it may be the humidity. The clear coat (or Future) always makes it disappear.
 13 July 2021, 20:23
Clifford Keesler Autor
Yea, the future took it away.
 13 July 2021, 20:27
Clifford Keesler Autor
Still can't get to much accomplished at one time. I will remove the wash tomorrow.
 13 July 2021, 20:56
Clifford Keesler Autor
Quick update. She has legs and weapons. Just need to add AOA sensors, and pitot tube and canopy. Pictures soon.
 18 July 2021, 01:09

Album info

Revell's Tornado IDS, converted to a GR-1. Actually all the parts to build a GR-1 are in the box, except the weapons.

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